The United States of America is a multinational country, and its population has a particular ethnic past. The American nation, which arose based on English, absorbed the most diverse ethnic elements in terms of language and culture. The European colonists had a conflicting relationship with the locals – the Indians. The conflict of cultures is well shown in the film Dances with Wolves, directed by Kevin Costner.
The film tells about the resistance of the Indians, who fought, although they were small in number, were at a lower stage of social development, and had only relatively primitive weapons. While Indian culture played a significant role in shaping American culture, there are many significant differences. For example, Tripathi et al. (2018) state, “Americans tend to base choices on personal preferences whereas Indians take additional factors, other than their personal preferences, into account” (p. 1289). The conquest and colonization of the North American continent brought physical death to many Indian tribes.
Plunging with his character into the bosom of a foreign culture, Kevin Costner not only calls to admire the simplicity, sincerity, and spiritual breadth of the Indians. The open ending becomes a true feast, clear that ahead are years of difficult trials that, unfortunately, few are destined to survive (Costner, 1990). Dunbar himself is at the center of the story – a typical, albeit outstanding personal quality, a representative of the West who is at a crossroads, not seeing the possibility of finding himself. Immersion in the way of life of the Indians, considered by most whites to be savages and barbarians, allows you to overcome the destructive, soul-eating individualism. The main difference is not cruelty because, as John emphasizes, his fellow tribespeople are sometimes forced to resort to no less harsh methods. Having become the one who dances with wolves, Dunbar returns to the roots, rediscovering the meaning of human existence – in unison with the existence of other people, the entire community, and the surrounding nature.
In conclusion, it is worth saying that the clash of two such different cultures could not pass without a trace. Both sides of the conflict have undergone dramatic changes. In the case of the Indians, these changes led to disastrous consequences. They could not withstand such an intense onslaught and were practically destroyed. However, the trace of their civilization is still kept in the center of American culture.
Costner, K. (1990). Dances with wolves [Film]. Tig Productions.
Tripathi, R., Cervone, D., & Savani, K. (2018). Are the motivational effects of autonomy-supportive conditions universal? Contrasting results among Indians and Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(9), 1287-1301.