Many scientists treat constructivism as a psychology of learning that reveals the way people obtain new information. This concept goes back to the 18th century as the core approach to its understanding was laid at this time.
The ideas presented by the philosopher Giambattista Vico were later used by such outstanding professionals as Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, and others. They created the basis of the constructivist theory considering Vico’s belief that people understand only the things that they have constructed. According to Abdullah al Mahmud (2013), “it proposes that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences” (p. 238).
Piaget discussed constructivism as a child-centered approach of teaching and considered it in relation to the cognitive development. He believed that the learners have particular ideas and beliefs, with which they come to the class. The task of the teacher is to facilitate this change and expand them with the help of various tasks that put the students in a troublesome situation that requires reflection. Vygotsky paid more attention to social interaction and language usage, claiming that dominant cultural assumptions are critical for the learning process. Unlike Piaget, he emphasized their social but not individual experience of learners that can be used for accommodation or assimilation (Mahmud, 2013).
The main peculiarity of constructivism is that it tends to provide the students with the opportunity to conclude what information is significant for them and should be acquired. Other approaches are mainly focused on teachers and textbooks, which makes constructivism distinctive. John Dewey supports such approach of teaching and emphasizes that it is critical for the learners to find their own ways to solve a particular problem if they want to get new knowledge.
Still, the educational reformer does not reject the significance of outer help. He states that when this process is maintained in correspondence with the teacher and other learners, it becomes more effective (Mahmud, 2013). For example, discussions and group work allow the students to share their experiences and receive assistance from the educator. Such activities make students think and evaluate the information they receive, altering their own views in this way. It is critical for the teacher to control the process but not just to provide some facts that are to be accepted without consideration.
Thus, reflection turns out to be the main process needed for learning in the framework of constructivism. For educators, it is tightly connected with critical thinking “about past experiences or current experiences that occur or are occurring in classroom settings” (Mahmud, 2013, p. 241). The teachers are expected to get to know as much information about the students’ background as possible so that they become able to utilize this information when designing tasks and asking questions. It may be a challenge for professionals who work with ESL and EFL learners because they can have diverse experiences. A thorough investigation and involvement are required in this way.
The educator should provide group activities to let the students use the knowledge they have and improve it. Noticing adverse or advantageous changes, one can build the most efficient and effective teaching framework. In a TESOL, classroom the teacher can pay attention to the reasons for language study and encourage the learners to provide new ideas of how the language can be beneficial. The students should be taught to be creative. Considering their experience, they can apply critical thinking and resolve dilemmas in an unordinary way.
Social Issues that Have an Impact on Education
All children should have equal rights to receive the education. Their success determines the way our future generations will live. Today such critical issues as homelessness and refugees are faced by the US educators, as they affect the way the educational process is maintained.
More and more families with children become homeless in the USA with the course of time. As a result, educational opportunities for the learners that represent such population become worse. In order to be enrolled in school, one should have immunization records, which is difficult for the homeless to get. What is the good then of talking about meeting residency and guardianship requirements? Even if such child occurs to able to enter the school, one is not likely to attend it regularly.
They often need to change their temporary accommodations in search of better life, which makes it difficult to stay in one educational facility for a long period of time. As a result, homeless children fall behind the class.
Fortunately, the issue attracted government’s attention even before it became so critical as today and the McKinney Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth was implemented. Still, the fact that the number of learners who represent such population grows proves that further changes are needed. The equal access to the education that is provided by this act is not enough, as these kids live in the environment that is not equal to others. It is critical to help homeless children with enrollment, transportation, educational materials and tools, etc. The barriers to enrollment should be removed by the implementation of new policies that will also discuss assistance.
Educational establishments should consider the creation of special curriculum that will be appropriate for such population. For example, children who became homeless due to mental reasons and severe physical issues should have classes in special facilities outside the school. Those who lost their homes because of financial problems or natural disasters can attend classes with other students or have their own flexible schedule for coming to school. They may also visit after-school events and extracurricular activities. Children who have poor family background should also receive more counseling and psychological services.
Nowadays, American people are actively discussing refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. Some believe them to be a threat while others claim that they should receive the same treatment as other people. Still, children who escaped from the war require help today. They are claimed to lose a decade of progress in education already. As a rule, such kids live in refugee camps and have no opportunity to reach an ordinary school because they have no home nearby and documents that are required for enrollment. Still, they are willing to become professionals to help their country and are ready to study hard.
It is significant to provide school spaces for refugee children and find teachers who will control educational process. It might be better to separate these students before they assimilate to avoid stress. Children from other countries can have problems with language that will influence not only their performance but also interaction with the classmates. Special programs should be developed so that the knowledge got in the USA will remain appropriate when they return to their native countries that have different backgrounds. All learners should be supplied with educational materials and tools. For now, emergency education programs may provide the best opportunities for refugee children.
Mahmud, Abdullah. (2013). Constructivism and reflectivism as the logical counterparts in TESOL: learning theory versus teaching methodology. Web.