Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co. Case Study

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Cook Composites and Polymers (CCP) Co. were facing the problem of dealing with emissions. As a result, the company developed several methods to solve the problem. First, the company partnered with a small Florida company that recycles composite materials. CPP sent some of the waste generated to the small firm that manufactured artificial reef structures from it. The company used it to produce landscape structures as well as curb stops. Hence, CCP was able to address the issue of waste disposal even though this method did not eliminate the problem entirely.

CCP also adopted another method that was entirely based on waste exchange to dispose of its rinse styrene. Through this approach, the company would sell or exchange materials and products that it intended to dispose of. The waste exchange involved private for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Successful exchanges entailed one company’s waste becoming another’s raw materials. Both parties involved reduced their operating costs; for example, CCP was able to reduce its waste disposal expenses as well as buy raw materials at a low cost. This method was efficient in regards to facilitating effective waste management and reducing operational costs, such as procurement costs for the firm.

The company also introduced the BPS method that was different from the waste exchange in many ways. BPS had several advantages as compared to other methods. This method comprised of BPS groups that included closed memberships through which the company invested in the identification of bilateral synergies. The method was based on building connections and identifying shared contacts similar to supply chain relationships.

This approach benefited the company and was different from the waste exchange method that used open memberships. In BPS partnerships, both parties were responsible for supply and quality issues. On the other hand, waste exchanges followed spot transactions without investing in long-term contacts. CPP found out that it is possible to prepare concrete costing for rinse styrene by finding a partner during the Kansas City Regional Initiative meetings. The only problem with this method was finding the right partner.

SWOT Analysis

  • Save operational costs by seeking alternative waste disposal methods
  • Could develop long-term relationships with some partners
  • Research and development: the company spent less on research and development as compared to other companies in the same industry.
  • Challenge of finding the right partners
  • Some of the methods adopted to deal with the problem of emissions were not successful
  • Partnering with other companies
  • Exploring new technologies to reduce emissions
  • Research and development to identify new solutions
  • Technological developments by rivals


Due to the existence of multiple barriers and concerns about the necessity to use waste materials in plant production, the importance of BPS in the work CCP cannot be ignored. The application of BPS allows participants to change their mental models of waste. Things that are regarded as unnecessary waste for one company could become the raw material for another company.


The BPS method requires additional funding for its research and development. Start-up costs are about $3 million to develop the market successfully and hire professionals. Another problem includes the necessity of having the technical staff and the promotion of long-term technical capabilities and the education of the sales personnel.


Although the offered BPS initiative raises interest among local companies and customers, certain concerns play a crucial role in understanding its future. For example, an outside legal counsel wants to know of BPS is actually an environmentally friendly approach to reducing the kilns’ outcomes. Finally, it remains unclear if the current investment and plans are enough for developing low-cost products, not just improving CCP performance.

Environmental Impact

The relative environmental impact of producing concrete coating is higher compared to the usual business. One of the major tradeoffs is the application of cleaner equipment, which enhances the avoidance of contamination. The emission of 2.5 pounds CO2 per pound of rinse styrene is observed, and this figure could decline to 0.19 pounds if future CCP’s sales do not alter the total sales in the market.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 9). Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co.

Work Cited

"Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co." IvyPanda, 9 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co'. 9 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co." February 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co." February 9, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Dealing With Emissions: Cook Composites and Polymers Co." February 9, 2022.

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