Costumes are an important part of making the plays detailed and clear in terms of the symbolism and help distinguish different characters. Moreover, deciding on the costumes and them changing over different scenes is one of the ways to emphasize the characters’ roles and their changing while the story develops. They allow the director of a play to further extend certain messages behind specific aspects of the script. This is one of the main languages through which meanings and symbols can be delivered to a viewer.
Completing the project was possible due to researching the play, the analysis of related literature about it, and past plays based on the script. In the play The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, many characters can differ in their social status and profession (Shakespeare, 1993). Describing these aspects of them is primarily possible by the costumes chosen for them. For example, the merchant Baptista is a wealthy man, which should be expressed in his costume – it must be chosen accordingly. Getting a proper understanding of who the characters of the play are was necessary to make a decision regarding what the actors should wear. Researching how costumes were chosen previously allowed to follow certain patterns adopted by experienced directors.
In conclusion, the feelings regarding the outcomes of the project are mostly positive, as the conducted work seems to fit the play well. The costumes chosen for the characters are well-detailed and represent them and their roles clearly, emphasizing how they differ from each other. This would allow the viewers of a play to better recognize characters and their statuses throughout the play. It is significant, as the main goal of choosing costumes for a play primarily emphasizes the characters’ traits. Therefore, it is safe to state that the outcomes are sufficient in terms of the objectives set by the project.
Shakespeare, W. (1993). The Taming of the Shrew. Wordsworth Editions.