Professional ethics is a system of moral standards and moral principles inherent in a certain professional community, which performs the functions of regulating the interaction of specialists in the professional environment, determining the individual’s attitude to professional activity, his or her responsibilities, and duty to society, and also adapting to specific professional situations. The key professional role and purpose of counseling providers are to assist and guide their patients during their recovery and rehabilitation periods through deliberate communicative measures and psychological understanding.
Evidently, the specifics of diverse types of professional activity determine the existence of various options for professional ethics: legal, medical, and engineering. Such a variety is determined by the fact that the functioning of generally accepted ideal moral standards in specific types of labor and professional activity is associated with a constant departure from them. Such derogations are associated with dominance or discrimination in the professional activity of certain general cultural, moral principles or principles. The policy of secrecy of the client (patient), on the contrary, dominates other moral and ethical principles in medical and legal practice. In fact, professional ethics legitimizes a certain type of deviant norms, which is determined by the specifics of professional activity. In addition, an individual’s values, beliefs, and cultural background should not act as a lens, which can be used to judge or discriminate against the patient. The counseling specialist should adhere to the common standards and moral objectives in order to ensure that a wide range of clients can feel secure and comfortable during the process. Wellness activities should be encouraged and promoted by professional counseling because it demonstrates one’s professionalism and ethical strength. Both ACA and CRCC moral codes are an excellent standard to adhere to due to the fact that they contain an essential point of professional behavior.