Article Summary
In this paper, I present summarized concepts of the article and avail comments regarding specific sections like the findings, discussions and relevance of the study in real-life counseling. Lee and Rodgers (2009) examined the ways of promoting public awareness, effecting change and adoption of policies, as well as enhancing legislative efficacy in societies. The authors introduce their study with a healthcare case study of a 12-year-old boy, Deamonte, who died of dental operations. Although the boy came from a wealthy community, he had never received any dental medication attention during childhood. Such an introduction provides a vivid analogy of the kind of challenges counselors can face in real life. Here, it is imperative that family of the boy will need bereavement guidance and health behavior change. Counselors’ intervention play a fundamental role in creating change in the public arena. In such a view, Lee and Rodgers (2009) consider public awareness to be the foundation of effecting change in societies. Some of the ways of advocating for change and public awareness involve media communications, lobbying legislators, support or creating alliances, and working within the visions to create wins (Lee & Rodgers, 2009). The other aspect is the influence of political or social fragments. Lee and Rodgers (2009) assert that personal attributes are paramount in any counseling practice. Again, there are unique and professional risks that must be ready to face to become an effective counselor in the public arena. The social dynamics are important in successful counseling, too.
Content – Personal Evaluation
This article documents give very insightful information on the practice of counseling within the public space. In my view, the authors used a pragmatic approach to issues affecting counselors in different environments. First, the introduction provides an intriguing case that allows the reader to relate to the dynamics of a normal counseling profession. One of the strengths of this article is its order of presentation. There is a well-structured variable-specific approach in the authorship. However, there seems to be a missing link from the introduction to the content. The writers need to provide a flowing transition from the introductory to the introductory parts and then offer theoretical concepts regarding such variables with a clear target population.
Contributions to the Profession
This research provides a critical contribution to the literature of counseling both in public and private practice. Simultaneously, it also bridges the gap between real-life issues and the theory of methods. In the bigger picture, the presented information implies that the professional requires fundamental mastery of the skills in handling people and self-management. At the same, all players in the public domain, including politicians, social clusters and professionals, have vital duties in ensuring the success of counseling.
Counseling in a public arena is a fundamental profession that requires a comprehensive understanding of both the audience and the environment. The current study shows the values of providing a link in social, political, professional and personal implications for long-term benefits. Evidently, counselors have critical roles in shaping the dynamics of the health of societies by initiating and promoting change within the population. This article offers master class information for current and future practitioners. There is a need to understand all the features discussed herein and contribute to the development of other valuable links.
Lee, C. C., & Rodgers, R. A. (2009). Counselor advocacy: Affecting systemic change in the public arena. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87(3), p. 284-287. Web.