The United States’ society has experienced ethnic and cultural shifts in demographics resulting into the current existence of different ethno-cultural groups, which have preserved their separate identities within the larger society over the years. Therefore, major similarities and differences exist between different ethno-cultural groups living in the United States. This paper considers these similarities and differences between the African-American and the non-Hispanic white groups. Accordingly, these comparisons will form the basis upon which the need for food service providers to initiate culturally competent accommodations in the workplace will be assessed.
Comparisons between African-Americans and Whites
In 2008, 13.5% of the civilian population in the United States was African American (Black), and thus, the second largest group among the minorities after the Hispanic population. In 2007, about 56% of the African-American population resided in the south compared to 34% of their white counterparts. And as of 2008, New York, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, California, Illinois, Georgia, and Maryland were the top ten states with a combined population of 59% of African Americans. In 2007, 80% of African Americans aged 25 years and above had earned a high school diploma compared to 89% of whites in the same age bracket. Among the African Americans, 16% of women compared to 14% of men had obtained a bachelor’s degree compared to 25% of men and 24% of women among the non-Hispanic white population (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services para. 1-2).
Accordingly, a typical African-American family had an average income median of $33,916 compared to $54,920 among the non-Hispanic white families as of 2007. In the same year, the number of people living at the poverty line was 24.5% and 8.2% for African-Americans and whites respectively. Furthermore, the rate of unemployment stood at 8% for African-Americans and 4% for whites, which was consistent with the demographics for both men and women. Still in 2007, 49% of African-Americans compared to 66% of whites had employer-sponsored health insurance cover, which meant that 23.8% of African-Americans as opposed to 9% of whites were covered by the public health insurance. Additionally, the number of persons who were uninsured as of 2007 was 19.5% and 10.4% for African-Americans and whites respectively (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services para. 3-4).
In terms of health conditions, the rate of death among African-Americans was relatively higher than whites for different diseases as of 2005. For instance, African-American men were more likely to be diagnosed with new cases of cancer (prostate or lung) compared to their white counterparts. Additionally, more African-Americans were twice as vulnerable to diabetes as their white counterparts. Heart diseases, stroke, and HIV/AIDS showed much similar numbers with more African-Americans likely to die from these diseases than whites. In 2006, it was 30% less likely that African-American adults (65 years and over) had received an influenza shot within a 12-month period in comparison to their white counterparts. Despite African-American children showing comparable demographics in terms of immunization against influenza, MMR, and polio among other diseases, the rate of infant mortality was about 2.3 times higher among the African-Americans compared to whites in 2005 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services para. 5).
Accommodating Cultural Diversity in the workplace
Taking note of the disparities in ethnicity, income, health, locations, and education between and among the two groups described in the foregoing discussions, one cannot fail to recognize the importance of cultural competence in providing various services including food services to different ethno-cultural groups in the U.S. society. To achieve cultural competence in a food service organization, it is imperative for food service directors to make various accommodations in the workplace. Accordingly, making culturally-competent accommodations in the workplace is important because:
- The number of aging Americans is projected to increase by the year 2030, and according to the Healthy People 2010 report, there is the need to eliminate disparities in service delivery by encouraging outreach to the underserved populations including those in economic need, minorities, and elderly people (85 years and over). As a result, nutrition programs form the basis for promoting health, and therefore, it is important for food service providers to promote the provision of culturally competent services through acquiring and training culturally-sensitive staff (National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging para. 4).
- Most importantly, there is the need for food service staff and volunteers especially those serving the elderly population, which comprises of people from diverse cultures, to have relevant cultural competency skills such as compassion, respect, and empathy to ensure that their services are appreciated and valued by the primary customers (National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging para. 4-6).
- Today’s business culture demands that an organization recruits and retains a diverse workforce by creating an environment that accommodates and values the employee’s knowledge, values, beliefs, culture, and skills. This can be achieved through integrating culturally-competent values into the organization’s mission, business strategies, and vision. As a result, this move will encourage employees to share their ideas, skills, and innovation, which will contribute to the success and growth of the entire organization (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services para. 1-5).
- A culturally diverse workplace encourages equity and increases staff skills in different departments especially customer care where language skills and cultural competence are imperative because of the need for the staff to understand and communicate efficiently with the primary customers (U.S. Department of Health and Human services para. 6).
- In a culturally diverse environment, employees are given the opportunity to interact and learn from their colleagues. This experience exposes them to new ideas and skills for decision-making, which will result into responsive service delivery to people from different cultures (US Department of Health and Human Services para. 1-10).
Works Cited
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging. Providing food services to meet the needs of culturally diverse participants. Miami, FL: Florida International University, 2004. Web.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. African American profile. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, 2011. Web.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health resources services administration. Cultural diversity: a journey. US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2011. Web.