The world has ceased to be bipolar after the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was disintegrated. Thus, the US has become the only superpower state in the world. Today it is difficult to say with a high degree of certainty whether our world is unipolar or bipolar. On the one hand, there are such “poles” as the European Union, CIS countries, and China. However, they still seem to be not so powerful as the US influences a wide range of countries economically and ideologically. On the other hand, China is developing very quickly in technological way, and its ideology is very strict and can conflict with that of the US. This can make China a center around which Asian countries can consolidate.
Nevertheless, today the military power of the US, its political and cultural influence is incomparable, which makes our world still unipolar. Some political analysts predict that the world is going to become multipolar, but these ideas have been existing for a long time, and it is still unipolar. However, it takes a long time for epochs to completely change, and it is possible that some countries will develop enough to compete with the US.