Current Issues in Oman Essay

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Driving Problems in Oman

Q1. The population in Oman is slowly but steadily rising over the years with the influx of more expatriates into the country. As a result, there are more people in the streets from different backgrounds. The mixture of the various cultures can have a negative influence on the way people relate while driving. Certain people have a habit of driving fast and dangerous, Oman becomes a great stage for this as it has good road infrastructural networks, and this, in turn, creates a perfect recipe for disaster on the roads leading to an increase in the number of road accidents. Most people are working for longer hours, which means that they do not get enough sleep to relax and regain their energy. Being on the road in such, a state is a cause for road accidents. Distractions on the road while driving can also lead to accidents. People have developed the habit of driving while on the phone talking or texting, which distracts them from driving, this is the highest-rated cause of road accidents in Oman. Obstructions on the road create blind spots that may lead other drivers to miscalculate distances and end up causing accidents. Such offenses are easily avoidable thus the need for the authorities to step up the road safety campaigns to save lives on the roads of Oman.

Employment Without a Passport

Q2. People who leave their native countries to go and work in other countries like Oman are adults. this is because they must have attained adulthood to gain access to work in Oman. It had been a common practice in the past to hold the passports of employees from other countries once they clear at the airport. Employers have argued that this happens in the best interest of the employees since the passports are stored for safekeeping. Over the years, there have been numerous cases of people allegedly facing forced labor while being threatened by employers who hold their passports. The practice has escalated into being one of the greatest violations of human rights possible, this is because withholding someone’s passport makes them stay at your mercy since they cannot travel when they want to. It also denies them the necessary document that they can use for identification as they are in a foreign land. In any case, if one is an adult they must be allowed to keep their passport with them whenever they want to since it is a necessary document, especially in another country. Because this practice is demeaning and violates human rights, it must desist immediately and especially within the Gulf countries like Oman which have kept up the practice.

Foreigners in Oman

Q3. One fundamental human right gives everyone the right to expression. The Gulf countries have been very cautious and controlling of all the foreigners who get into their countries. Since the numbers of expatriates have swelled over the years, some of the rules have been changed in favor of the foreigners. Gulf countries are all Muslim territories and it would be unfair to deny other groups of people a chance to enjoy their native music and sounds especially when they are away and in a completely new environment. Hindus have been working in Oman for years now and their numbers have soared. However, Omani authorities still deny them the chance to have a Hindi-speaking radio channel. It would be a good chance to reach the over 700,000 Hindi expatriates living in Oman. Besides, a large populace of Omanis does speak Hindi thus it would be a win-win situation for all parties concerned. The Hindi radio station would also be a great medium for the Omani authorities to relay new rules and regulations to the large Hindu-speaking population that does not speak either English or Arabic. The Indian consulate in Oman would also have a platform to interact with its citizens. Most importantly, having a Hindi FM station the Indian population in Oman would get a chance to enjoy a taste of home while away from home uplifting their quality of life in a foreign land.

Tourism in Oman

Q4. Traffic congestion caused by an increase in the number of cars and other motor vehicles on the roads is a problem in Muscat. At the time of construction, the roads were wide and big enough to carry the traffic at that time comfortably. With an increase in the number of expatriates residing and working within Muscat, the road infrastructure stretches to its limits. The solution is to expand the existing motorways to allow for the flow of more traffic, this is under the supervision of the municipal council of Muscat. A third lane implemented on the Sultan Qaboos Road will ease traffic. Another project of the Muscat Municipality is the construction of underpasses and a flyover on the Darsait-Wadi Kabir road. When combined with the remodeling of the road’s intersection will ease the traffic congestion in Ruwi tremendously. Another project is the conversion of the Wadi Kabir roundabout into a four-lane intersection with an underpass. An additional footbridge for the pedestrians will be an added advantage on the busy road. All intersections face revamping and will feature separate roads from Wadi Kabir to Muttrah. To ease traffic congestion and to spread the traffic to other roads leading in and out of the city of Muscat.

Q5.Tourism in Oman has continued to grow over the years. Oman has one of the most diverse arrays of tourist attractions within the Gulf States. The country has enjoyed an influx of tourists coming in to sample a taste of the rich cultural history that the country has. Muscat as the country’s capital led a vote as the second-best city to travel to in the world this year. It adds to its attraction and signifies the fact that it truly is a magical city to visit. Muscat is the capital of Arab tourism in 2012 as voted by fellow Gulf nations. The two leading votes will go a long way in attracting more people and convincing them that the city of Muscat and Oman as a country is worth a visit. It in turn is good tidings for the country since it will enjoy an influx of tourists throughout the year. The country prides itself on its rich cultural heritage and it uses this to market itself around the world. The country is rather peaceful in comparison to other Arab countries adding to its attraction as a tourist haven. All one requires is a single visa that is easily attained thus easing travel into Oman. It is clear that Oman’s tourism sector continues to thrive with time and the country will be reaping from the tourism boom for years to come if the state of calm and peace remains.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 23). Current Issues in Oman.

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"Current Issues in Oman." IvyPanda, 23 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Current Issues in Oman'. 23 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Current Issues in Oman." January 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Current Issues in Oman." January 23, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Current Issues in Oman." January 23, 2022.

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