Decision to get MBA Essay

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The demand of MBA course has continued to increase in the modern world as many people aspire to upgrade their education to enable them to realize more career growth. Many institutions of higher learning are offering variety of programs to allow MBA students choose the most appropriate program.

The course is offered as a full time course or part time course by either attending classes or enrolling for the online program. Many people see it appropriate to enroll for MBA while others object this enrolment for various reasons. This paper will raise and counter objections against those who are not for the idea of getting MBA.

Counter arguments


One of the main advantages of MBA course is that it is offered with a lot of flexibility that suits all types of students. Though critics argue that the flexibility of the course may compromise the standards of training, students can learn through part time and online programs and yet get the necessary training.

Many institutions of higher learning have come up with adequate syllabuses to ensure students have thoroughly covered all the required work though they are attending classes in the evening or through online programs. Many institutions of higher learning ensure that students are fully trained through evening classes and attending classes on the weekends to make sure all the course work is adequately covered just like other students who enroll in full time programs.

Management skills

Secondly, MBA is a professional program that equips students with skills for administration and management. Though some people argue that many students who enroll in the MBA program are not necessarily after management skills but promotion and salary increase, students who adequately undertake the program acquire some knowledge and skills that make them better managers and administrators.

As Rubin and Dierdorff (2009) claim, MBA course is not ‘out of touch’ to the real issues in the organization as some scholars argue (p.208). Many people enroll for the MBA program after working for sometime with at least two years working experience. Enrolling in this program helps such experienced people to acquire leadership and management skills that prepare them to take management roles in the organization.

Most of the subjects taught in the MBA program deal with decision-making process in the organization coupled with insights on how to manage the resources of the organization to maximize its profitability. This inclusion makes students better managers in the organization where many of them are promoted after completing the course.

Improved performance

Thirdly, the critiques of MBA argue that the program is too expensive for company in many ways; for instance, employees will need working time to attend their classes, others may take a leave and in some companies, those employees who enroll in the program are sponsored by the organization.

It is true that the program may be costly to the company but the benefits that the company derives from the MBA graduates outweigh the costs by a significant margin. Going through MBA program gives employees more confidence in their work that enables them to improve their output.

The course helps students to develop their personality as they handle rigorous projects, learn to work with others through discussions and presentations, and internship that equip them to handle challenging situations in the work place. Moreover, students in this course learn some theories that are related with what they do in the work place.

This makes them to understand their work more and such learning elements improve their confidence in their job thus becoming better employees. Increased productivity of employees translates to increased performance of the whole organization.

According to one survey carried by one company in Japan in 2006, the returns of the employees who had gone through MBA program was higher than that of degree graduates (Shimizu &Higuchi, 2009, p.61). In addition, flexibility of MBA programs allow employees to attend part time classes thus enabling them to continue working as they attend MBA classes.

Open horizon

Finally, MBA course opens the minds of the learners where they can now understand and work in different fields than where they were trained at first. Though there are some people who argue that MBA will undervalue the undergraduate degree of the students when they deviate from their original career, the program enables students to understand the operation of other fields in the organization.

This understanding will make them better managers as they acquire some knowledge about supervising all the units in the organization. For instance, an engineer will understand more about finances after enrolling in the MBA program.


Enrollment in MBA program equips the learner with more skills in management and administration. Though some institutions may compromise the standards of training, well-trained employees have higher returns than those employees who have not undergone through the course. Thus, I will enroll in the MBA program to enhance my skills in management and administration as well as to enable me to earn a higher salary after promotion.


Rubin, R., & Dierdorff, E. (2009).How Relevant Is the MBA? Assessing the Alignment of Required Curricula and Required Managerial Competencies. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 8(2), 208-224.

Shimizu, R., & Higuchi, Y. (2009). The Value of MBA Education in the Japanese Labor Market. Japanese Economy, 36(4), 61-104.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 10). Decision to get MBA.

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"Decision to get MBA." IvyPanda, 10 Oct. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Decision to get MBA'. 10 October.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Decision to get MBA." October 10, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Decision to get MBA." October 10, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Decision to get MBA." October 10, 2018.

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