Deming’s Theory for Technical Support Clerk Case Study

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Based on the reading, Melissa, whose job entails answering calls, is instructed to complete a minimum of five calls per hour coupled with observing courtesy and patience when receiving calls. In a bid to complete five calls per hour, she has to use only 12 minutes on each call to achieve this target. This time is insufficient for her to address all issues raised by each caller. Additionally, she experiences difficulty in retrieving information like the speed of her computer is low, hence forcing her to use the manuals. Therefore, the 12 minutes is simply not enough to complete each request, and thus, she goes home each evening tired and frustrated.

Deming would tell the company management to regroup and adopt a quality-centered approach. He would advise them to adopt a customer-centered approach. The management should implement an improved database management system or upgrade to a new system, as the current system is too slow. This move will speed up information retrieval and enhance efficiency by reducing time spent searching for information. This change will create an atmosphere of quality and efficiency in this company.

Based on Deming’s principles, a plan of action to improve Melissa’s situation is necessary. An outline of the plan of action includes:

  1. A new system – a complete audit of the company’s systems, followed by replacement of part of the system or a complete overhaul and replacement with a new system that has efficient features is required. The new system should align the functions of the account manager and Melissa’s job description in order to maximize their level of interaction.
  2. Customer service – Melissa is the only person in the company who interacts with customers. The account manager should provide Melissa with the necessary resources to enable her to execute her roles efficiently and effectively, which should involve a new computer and sufficient time to respond to inquiries raised by callers.
  3. Improved technology and training – Acquiring new computers is a good starting point for this company. Additional training on database management would enable Melissa to complete one call in 12 minutes, and thus enhance her performance. Limited resources and outdated machines have made Melissa’s job difficult. However, with training and more resources, she will be in a position to perform her duties effectively. Another alternative is to hire another employee to help with technical support.
  4. Review of the set quota – the company should review the requirement that Melissa completes five calls per hour. This quota is unrealistic. Short call duration will mean that callers will not receive all the information they need. Callers requiring detailed information on how to fix the problems may fail to get it, and soon the company will lose customers and fail to meet the set quota.
  5. Motivation – the management should remove the quota system and adopt a new management style. The management, via the set objectives, fails to provide strategies that Melissa can use to achieve the set goal. Additionally, the requirement of five calls per hour does not motivate Melissa, as she seems to dislike her job. A new approach that not only motivates employees but also rewards excellent work should be adopted.
  6. Continual improvement of processes – The Company should undertake to improve its processes while encouraging teamwork in the workplace (Deming, 2013).

Reference List

Deming, E. (2012). The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill.

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IvyPanda. (2021, January 24). Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk.

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"Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk." IvyPanda, 24 Jan. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk'. 24 January.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk." January 24, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk." January 24, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Deming's Theory for Technical Support Clerk." January 24, 2021.

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