In the video “Observation,-water trays” published on the YouTube channel rethom, children are presumed to be either at home or in kindergarten. The child feels comfortable, the situation is familiar to him. The boy is interested in the observation, although it is difficult to say whether he is doing it for the first time. It is unknown if the child received instructions prior to observation.
Two children are sitting at a table, in front of them is a box with a container with a treat, and to capacities filled with red liquid. The purpose of the observation is to see how the child will pour the liquid between the capacities. The child looks at the box with the reward with interest. The boy successfully opens it and takes out the contents. The child wipes the surface inside the box with a hand with relaxed fingers. The child gets up from the chair, pulling one knee to the chest, then the second. At this moment, in his hands is a box in which it was necessary to pour water. The child confidently holds the box with both hands, the thumbs are not involved in the process. The boy transfers the box and carefully places it on the shelf. When the second child passes the box to him, the child holds it unsteadily, stumbles a little and almost drops it. He sits back on the chair using the same method: first raising one leg, then the other. The child transgresses to the transfusion of water: he holds the flask with both hands, while the little fingers are not involved in the process. He successfully pours the liquid and tilts the flask again to make sure there is no more liquid left in it. Then he takes the smaller flask, first in his right and then in his left hand, and repeats the process, pouring the liquid gradually, assisting himself with the other hand. The child completely inverts the small flask to make sure that there is no more liquid left in it. The boy turns to the observer, expecting a positive assessment of his actions. The child again picks up a large flask, holding it with both hands, while all fingers are involved in the process. He puts a large flask on top of a small one so as not to hold it with his hands. The child is distracted from the necessary actions, he carefully puts the flask in place and opens the container with a treat.
CHOC Children’s (2022). Fine Motor Skills and Visual Motor Skills. Developmental Milestones.
UNISEF. (2022). Your toddler’s developmental milestones at 18 months. Parenting.