Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition Essay

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This presentation will focus on using hemp or Cannabis sativa L. in animal nutrition. Cannabis Sativa L., sometimes referred to as hemp, is an agricultural crop that has been around since the earliest times. Hemp, frequently confused with marijuana, is non-psychoactive and, therefore, is legal for industrial output. This plant’s adaptability, capacity to thrive throughout most weather regimes, quick development, and great output enable it to be converted into nearly anything. It is a member of the Cannabaceae family. An article titled “AN OVERVIEW ON THE USE OF HEMP (Cannabis sativa L.) IN ANIMAL NUTRITION” will be analyzed in this presentation. The presentation will focus on the article’s methods, results, and discussion.

This study assessed the feasibility of using hemp in animal feed. Hemp oil, hemp seed cake, and hemp seeds can all be used in animal nutrition-feeding mixtures. Hemp is a textile crop with cortical fibers and oil-rich seed that is one of the oldest non-food plants used by humans. It is also used in chemistry and pharmacology. This research focuses on animal nutrition, specifically how hemp oil, hempseed cake, and hemp seeds can supplement feed mixtures. As a result, this review study aimed to assess the feasibility of using hemp in animal nutrition using available scientific data.


The methodology of this paper is a review of the literature. Based on available scientific data, this literature review contributed to determining the practicality of using hemp in animal nutrition. A literature review was one of the finest possibilities for this investigation. Conducting a complete literature review of the study and evidence-based practice provides variable perspectives in assessing the evidence available, identifying gaps, and seeking best practices that may fill existing studies. Because literature is a typical prerequisite for all levels of study, it is necessary to assess the possible importance and value of a literature review. A literature review aims to summarize and synthesize the ideas and arguments presented in current knowledge or studies without adding new knowledge. This is due to the increased interest in hemp and its derivatives and extensive research into the effects of Cannabis chemicals on animals.


According to the findings, hemp seeds or hempseed cake can be introduced to animal diets as a valuable supply of crude protein or essential fat without significantly influencing production characteristics and resulting in an increase in beneficial fatty acids in animal products. In addition to feeding combinations, hemp oil can provide an appropriate amount of essential fatty acids, especially in enhancing animal products containing PUFA n-3 and n-6 fatty acids. As a result of these findings, hemp might be employed as an additive in animal feed mixtures as a rich source of essential fatty acids, and hempseed cake and seeds could be used as a protein and fat source in animal nutrition.

Hemp seeds are high in fat and crude protein, with healthy amounts of linolenic and linoleic acid. Hemp oil supplementation in dairy goat meals boosted milk fat while decreasing polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and conjugated fatty acid (CLA) proportions. Higher milk fat contents with a greater proportion of ALA, CLA, and LA were reported whenever ewes were fed hempseed cake or hemp seeds. Compared to the control group and the grouping with greater quantities of hempseed cake, adding hempseed cake to cow meals boosted milk output. Hemp seeds in the egg production diet offered ALA supplementation of yolk fat and had no detrimental impact on laying efficiency.

The preceding studies suggested that hemp may be used in animal diets without causing large changes in productivity and could boost beneficial fatty acids in animal products. The chart shows milk’s dairy productivity and fatty acid composition from goats feeding hempseed oil-enriched diets. According to the data, HSO introduced to goat meals enhanced PUFA, MUFA, LA, and CLA concentrations while decreasing overall SFA, most likely due to decreased palmitic acid, a prominent SFA in goat milk. In addition, HSO did not affect the quantities of some SCFA, like C8:0 and C6:0, which is desired since these fatty acids are accountable for the specific sensory qualities of goat’s cheese during lipolysis. However, C10:0 was slightly reduced. Due to partial rumen biohydrogenation of LA and ALA, VA rose by 192%. The introduction of HSO did not influence goat plasma markers such as phospholipids, triglycerides, or cholesterol despite a rise in total lipids, implying a potential hyperlipidemic influence.


The study’s main finding is that proper feeding improves animal health, which leads to improved output. Nutrition aids in the proper maintenance and growth of cells. It provides energy for a variety of life functions. As a consequence, the researchers stated that hemp, as a rich source of essential fatty acids, might be used as a supplement in animal feed combinations. At the same time, hempseed cakes and seeds can be employed in animal nutrition as a protein and fat source.

The chart shown illustrates the activity of electrolyte and enzyme concentrations in the plasma of laying chickens given a diet supplemented with hemp seed oil. In this study, laying chickens were fed meals added either 4.5 or 9% HSO. GGT activities in hen plasma were reduced after 4.5% HSO was consumed, indicating that HSO could have a preventive effect against liver injury. At the same moment, nutritional HSO supplementation did not affect hen productivity, the concentration of cholesterol, or plasma proteins in the trial. This research also revealed an increase in such fatty acids in the lipid content of egg yolk relative to controls, particularly ALA, that increased by 5 or 12 once 4.5 or 9% HSO was introduced.

The chart shows the fatty acid concentration and laying performance of egg yolk hens given hempseed oil-containing diets. The researchers gave laying chickens 4, 8, or 12% hemp oil in their diet for 12 weeks in just this research. By escalating HSO administration, DHA, DPA, EPA, ALA, and LA egg contents increased, neither affecting feed consumption nor egg quality. Hepatic fatty acid desaturase-1 mRNA expression was decreased by 39% in hens given meals supplemented with 12% HSO, whereas FADS2 mRNA expression was lowered by 45 or 51% in feed intake 8 as well as 12% HSO, correspondingly.

From the study, hempseed cake and hemp seeds can be added to animal nutrition as a potential resource of protein content and necessary fat without affecting output features much, and with an increase in desirable fatty acids in animal protein. As an addition in feed combinations, hemp seed oil can be an effective supply of important fatty acids, particularly in enhancing animal protein containing n-6 fatty acids and PUFA n-3. However, the authors mention that additional research is needed to determine if hemp-derived food impacts the metabolism of animals, with just a focus on oxidative stress of blood and product sensory characteristics, to provide a complete picture of hemp utilization in animal nutrition.


Klir, Ž., Novoselec, J., & Antunović, Z. (2019). An overview on the use of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in animal nutrition. Poljoprivreda, 25(2), 52-61.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 8). Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition. https://ivypanda.com/essays/discussion-using-hemp-in-animal-nutrition/

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"Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition." IvyPanda, 8 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/discussion-using-hemp-in-animal-nutrition/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition'. 8 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition." May 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/discussion-using-hemp-in-animal-nutrition/.

1. IvyPanda. "Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition." May 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/discussion-using-hemp-in-animal-nutrition/.


IvyPanda. "Discussion: Using Hemp in Animal Nutrition." May 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/discussion-using-hemp-in-animal-nutrition/.

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