According to the article by Joseph White on the Fiscal Times January 7, 2011, there is an attempt by the House Republicans to curb budget deficit by repealing health care bill.
The author is responding to Washington post article by columnist Ruth Marcus. I find the move by the house republican as uncalled for. It is also a selfish attempt by the house to save their face from the public outcry.
Instead of the House Republican trying to come up with other ingenious ways of curbing the deficit, they instead have turned to repealing the public health care bill that sits deeply in the people’s life. Therefore, unlike Marcus, I find the republican attempt to curb the deficit by repealing the health care benefits, by exempting the effects of repeal from their budget rules, as purely Hippocratic.
In his discussion, Marcus claims that repealing the patient protection and affordable care act (ACA) is a “budget buster”. I tend to concur with the columnist of this article, Mr. Joseph White, that this is not the best argument against repealing the health care.
The best argument, as I find it, is that repealing the act will have an impact on a number of people country wide. This includes self-employed persons, business owners and the entrepreneurs of small businesses.
They will find it hard paying for their health care insurance. Following this argument, therefore, it emerges that the Republican attempt to fully exempt the whole of the patient protection and affordable care act (ACA) from the budget rules, that is supposed to encourage responsible budgeting, is purely dishonest.
Instead, I find that changing the ACA to take forms that will help save money is easier. This should be done by repealing the benefits and the individual mandate .This as I find it will help keep the savings.
Other measures that could be used by the House Republican to save the situation and thus save the general public from having to pay for the health care insurance which most cant afford, I find that the House Republican can turn to repealing the benefits and individuals mandate.
The House Republican can also cut on those savings that they feel they don’t like. This could include getting lid of subsidies to private insurance plans in Medicare. The republicans can say they have relieved budget deficits by that: cutting Medicare services.
Though there might be political pressures against future savings, and the fact that Medicare cost are not without mistakes ,this should not be used as a reason by those who wish to put multi-year freezes on their spending without taking considerations to policy details.
Like the columnist puts it, Marcus discussion, about not being fair in blaming the House Republic on their attempt to cut deficit by repealing the health care.
I find this as purely an attempt to give the House Republican credit. This can not be explained as responsible budgeting as with it the people’s health care is compromised in terms of health care insurance.
He says this is very bad. He continues to say that the United States government is doing the right thing to further the health insurance bill that is funded by the government. The republicans are however saying that this will compromise the budget of the government.