Disney: The Advertising Campaign Report

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Disney+ announced the launch of a massive advertising campaign. The campaign’s primary goal is to launch an ad-supported tier with more than 100 advertisers. This strategy was implemented to compete with Netflix and other streaming platforms and to bring more investments into the company. The company is aimed to increase sales and get more investments in the platform. Due to client orientation and price choice, Disney’s clients can choose the best ad-supported subscriptions with all benefits, such as high-quality video formats and an entire content catalog. This marketing campaign is based on attracting more than 100 famous brands, such as Starbucks, P&G, and others, to advertise their products on the platform, which implements the concept of competition and product attractiveness. The company also allows customers to buy a cheaper subscription with ads or a more expensive one – without. In addition, Disney planes allow advertisers to target their consumers by age, region, or gender.

The article includes the following marketing concepts

Sales increase: is the act of selling services or goods. In this news, the company is aimed to increase sales by providing two options for subscriptions: a cheap one – with advertisements and an expensive one – without ads.

Competition: the ability to compete with other similar companies. In the article, Disney+ competes with other streaming platforms and encourages further developments.

Client orientation: meeting customers’ needs and requirements. According to the article, consumers get a package of highly-qualified services, which results in deep satisfaction and can meet each customer’s requirements.

Product attractiveness: the ability to attract a potential customer by using different brands. In the story, Disney+ attracts more than 100+ famous companies to advertise their product, which shows the power of Disney’s brand.

Investments: attraction of massive financial revenues. In this article, Disney increases its income and gets massive financial support from the brands by encouraging the advertisement of different brands.

Price choice: the opportunity to choose the most suitable price and services for the customer. In this article, Disney chooses between two service packages to satisfy each consumer’s needs and abilities.


Chmielewski D. (2022). . Reuters. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). Disney: The Advertising Campaign. https://ivypanda.com/essays/disney-the-advertising-campaign/

Work Cited

"Disney: The Advertising Campaign." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/disney-the-advertising-campaign/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Disney: The Advertising Campaign'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Disney: The Advertising Campaign." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/disney-the-advertising-campaign/.

1. IvyPanda. "Disney: The Advertising Campaign." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/disney-the-advertising-campaign/.


IvyPanda. "Disney: The Advertising Campaign." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/disney-the-advertising-campaign/.

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