Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey Essay

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Multiculturalism, also referred to as diversity and equity in classrooms, is linked to promoting and accepting differences among people. The primary goal is to ensure that all individuals receive fair and equal treatment regardless of race, gender, disability, age, and sexual orientation. As a pre-service teacher, I realize that inclusion, equity, and diversity are significant in overcoming educational disparities and acknowledge multiculturalism’s impact on ensuring success among all learners.

Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Statement

Learners from different sociocultural backgrounds will have the same learning opportunities to view how differences in their experiences influence their behaviors, especially learner-instructor interaction. The same platform will warrant that every student’s perception of education value is upheld to establish and share a same-minded formal education among the learners (Postiglione, 2022). To ensure that every student has similar opportunities to succeed, I will set systems and routines to accommodate for greater learner freedom within the class. This environment allows for their ability to thrive.

Impact of Social and Cultural Identifiers

Learning in inclusion, equity, and diversity environments makes students feel safe and more comfortable with their differences. Social and cultural identifiers like gender, race, age, and sexual orientation allow pupils to interact with a more comprehensive social group range that makes them feel confident in themselves and how they interact with others. While sociocultural differences can be subtle, they enable students to have distinguished classroom behavior perceptions regarding learner-instructor interaction and a different education view (Toprak & Genç, 2018). Additionally, sociocultural aspects initiate learning to reason and purpose by suggesting how to learn and think. Instructors develop learning environments that foster the need to align socially culturally accepted group understanding and personal knowledge.

Moreover, these identifiers allow instructors to develop flexible evaluation and educational policies to afford all learners equal success opportunities and access to more amazing educational content. To ensure equality of possible outcomes, I will increase learner engagement to make educational content alive and meaningful among students. As a pre-service teacher with experience in a diverse learning environment, I do not take advantage of children whose language practices, religion, ethnicity, and race are aligned with those dominant within society.

I acknowledge that equity requires getting rid of access to opportunities and resources. Therefore, I will help create a school climate team that works with the leadership at the institution to secure necessary resources for all learners (Postiglione, 2022). Among ways to achieve this would be to help facilitate specific data access to meeting time while fortifying buy-in. Further, I will participate in school discipline data and student engagement reviews. However, I need to recognize that I will likely foster inequity by giving everyone the same thing. Providing all learners with their needs minimizes, if not eliminates, disparity. All types of access are essential when advocating for equity in educational access. With this understanding, I ensure to account for every educational access like economic, social, and physical access.


Equity and diversity are essential in a learning environment that constitutes learners from different social and cultural backgrounds. As a pre-service teacher, I strive to ensure that every learner acknowledges the significance of intercultural differences since they impact their knowledge acquisition and thinking. My responsibility is to warrant that all learners have access to educational content while creating a learning environment that engages all and promotes greater learning freedom within the classroom.


Postiglione E. (2022). . Palgrave Macmillan. Web.

Toprak E. & Genç Kumtepe Evrim. (2018). . IGI Global. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-in-a-pre-service-teachers-journey/

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"Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-in-a-pre-service-teachers-journey/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey." May 7, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-in-a-pre-service-teachers-journey/.

1. IvyPanda. "Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey." May 7, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-in-a-pre-service-teachers-journey/.


IvyPanda. "Diversity in a Pre-Service Teacher’s Journey." May 7, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-in-a-pre-service-teachers-journey/.

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