Career Description
Information on a career is necessary for trainees and job seekers as it enhances understanding of different careers. Knowledge of individuals is necessary when seeking a job. To get this knowledge, a career description is crucial. With well-defined descriptions of various careers individuals can learn what is expected from them, functions and positions of the career, opportunities in the field, the qualifications required to practice, opportunities and threats in the field as well as the positions available in the field. Nursing is involved with many roles depending on the type of nurse. These roles include the provision of primary health care, research, provision of mental health services, supervision, making decisive plans, diagnosing and prescription, and education to the public among others.
After graduation, I want to be involved in the doctorate of nursing practice, since I am advancing my nursing degree. I am morally responsible, I am kind, thorough in my duties, considerate, and self-disciplined; characters that will enable me to effectively help the sick and injured out of pain, and participate in promoting quality healthcare. Since the field is involved leadership and providing primary health care to the sick and injured, my character trait together with the knowledge, experience, and skills I have achieved during the learning course, I can easily and effectively help the sick and the injured people to recover, and participate in enhancing quality health.
Opportunities in Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Nurses in DNP have an advanced nursing degree. They have a greater focus on evidence-based practice and leadership which is involved in immediate impact on the delivery of quality health care. Only a few nurses at the doctoral level have the skills to transform the practice environment to get immediate impact, which is an opportunity in the field, creating extensive opportunities for graduates in doctoral nursing practice.
An advanced nursing degree is required to practice as DNPs. During the education, the doctoral program ensures the trainees have covered applied research, human biological sciences, direct healthcare health policies, and health clinical leadership (FITZPATRICK, 2003, pp. 37).
Pros and Expectations
Doctoral nursing practice is an acceptable and available option in education where nurses are exposed to extensive professional opportunities, to meet future healthcare demands. The degree advances clinical nursing skills with subsequent advancement of leadership skills and improvement in the delivery of healthcare. These nurses are flexible, can balance the desired focus towards healthcare leadership, direct practice, and other competencies. People expect nurses with practice doctorate to provide primary healthcare and apply leadership skills in hospitals and other healthcare facilities effectively, since their knowledge, and skills are advanced (MCEWEN & BECHTEL, 2000, pp. 290).
People in society use traditional terminologies such as physicians and midwives when referring to nurses. They have equal consideration despite the level of education and achievements These nurses are usually involved with the most challenging duties, as they deal with precious human life which requires consciousness, accuracy, and reliability.
Position Availability
There are many positions for nurses with an advanced degree in nursing. Their skills in primary healthcare and leadership make them get employment in governmental and private hospitals, healthcare facilities as primary healthcare providers, or as leaders, and in education departments. Unlike other nurses, these nurses have a number of choices from which they can practice and earn for their living (MARION, 2000).
Fitzpatrick, J. (2003). Clinical Doctorate in Nursing Case. Reflect Nurs Leadership Perspect, 1.9, 37.
Marion, L. (2000). ‘Nursing’s Vision for Primary Health Care.’ Washington, DC: ANA.
Mcewen, M., and Bechtel, G. (2000). ‘Characteristics of Nursing Doctoral Programs’. J Prof Nurs. 16, 288-292.