Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women? Coursework

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The data was collected from a sample of 3000 women in a rural village in Asia. Of the 3000 the sample was reduced to 1762 whose marital status was married or cohabited. The research was conducted to find out the relationship between husband abuse and mental disorder in women.

The interviewees’ age group, educational background ethnic group, and economic status were recorded to find out the relationship between their status, abuse by their husband and the mental disorder.

Of the 1762 interviewees who were married or cohabited, 128 of them had a common mental disorder. And again out of this number 165 of them were abused by their husbands 38 of who had a common disorder (23%). Of the 128 who had a common disorder, 38 of them (30%) were abused by their husbands.

Of this 128 again 26 were migrants and 102 non-migrants. From the 1762 interviewees, 213 were migrants; therefore the percentage of migrants that had a common disorder was 12.21%.

As far as age group is concerned, there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to indicate that mental disorder is more prevalent in one age group than the other. The same case applies to husband abuse.

The same observation can be found about women from households where there has ever been debt. There was an irregularity, though since not all the 128, who had a common mental disorder responded to this question. There were 124 respondents instead of 128. Of the 165 who were abused by their husbands, the respondents were 162 instead of 165. This may mean that the respondents were not willing to respond.

The total of interviewees with a toilet facility built indoors was 746, 392 had toilets built outside, and 624 had no toilets. Of the 128 who had a common disorder, 56 (44%) of them did not have any toilet facility which shows a connection between the availability of the toilet facility with a mental disorder. 87 out 165 (53%) women who were abused by their husbands did not have toilets at all. There is a noticeable correlation between the two, it can therefore be concluded that there is a high probability of women who didn’t have toilets at all, is also abused by their husbands and hence a high rate of common mental disorders.

Of the 128 with a common disorder, 94 %of them were ever pregnant. The percentage of ever pregnant and husband abusing them is 95%.

78 % of women in households without enough food had a common disorder and again 80 % of the abused.

The highest percentage where education is concerned was found in women with 1 to 9 years of education. Of the 128, 67 (52%) of them were in this group. In the 165 (65%) of them were abused by their husbands. There is no correlation between several people in the household and husband abuse and common mental disorder. Of 1762 who were interviewed the biggest household size had 4 to 5 people, 6.12% of whom had mental disorders and 9.79 % were abused by their husbands.

From the above observations, you can conclude that there is a strong correlation between husband abuse and common mental disorder in women.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 12). Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?

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"Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?" IvyPanda, 12 Mar. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women'. 12 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?" March 12, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?" March 12, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?" March 12, 2022.

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