There are numerous issues that continue to undermine the efficiency of blood product storage, transportation, and usage. Nevertheless, technological progress has provided medical workers with multiple ingenious solutions that can help to drastically decrease the number of problems. One of the significant advances that can substantially enhance the transportation of blood products is the broad use of drones. This technology has proven crucial for rescuing people in remote areas that do not have the needed medical facilities. I agree with the arguments provided by the learner, as the efficiency of the technology can help save numerous lives annually.
What is more, the technology helps save medical workers’ time and makes the processes related to blood products less dependent on labor. It should be considered a significant advantage, as currently, the negative effects of the challenging economic situation are multiplied by the rising medical costs. Thus, in the US, it is always essential to try such innovative measures in order to ensure that millions of people living in remote areas can feel secure. Nevertheless, according to Konert et al. (2019), air transport still has limitations, such as dependence on weather, low load capacity, and high costs. Even if the economic effect turns out less significant than predicted, it is still hard to undermine the crucial social and psychological role that the application of such technology plays.
I would like to further enhance my understanding of the technology by asking the learner about the technologies that can allow for the extension of the round-trip lengths that is currently limited to 150km. Moreover, I would like to know the learners’ stance on the safety of blood transfusion on site. I find the idea of using ice packs to cool blood a comprehensive solution to the existing issue that helped me alter my perspective on the efficiency of drones in this sphere. Nevertheless, I believe that providing various studies results concerning the complexity of blood storage and transportation can support my perspective and make the learner consider the implementation of enhanced methods of preserving blood.
Konert, A., Smereka, J., & Szarpak, L. (2019). The use of drones in emergency medicine: Practical and legal aspects.Emergency Medicine International, 2019.