Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals Essay

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“Drug and alcohol findings” is one of the peer reviewed journal article, which gives evidence of how effectiveness of treatment, prevention or reduction of drug and alcohol problems can be achieved. This article is produced in the United Kingdom by a group of charities which deals with drugs and alcohol. The article targets readers of different categories such as practitioners, commissioners, and any other individual who may be involved in alcohol and drugs (Dufour, 8). In this article several research findings have been presented which can be referred to by the drug addicts to effectively improve their status. The findings are mostly based on the United Kingdom relevant research. Several studies which are done in this article are related to the previous research. The researches conducted are much related to the policies of UK and perspective practice. The different issues of this article show reviews of the evidence gotten on several priority topics concerning alcohol.

“Drugs and alcohol today” is a peer reviewed journal article which provides the readers with the best current perception of drugs and alcohol practice. The main issues which are commonly focused on in this article are the criminal justice system on the drugs, overview of both national and international policies concerning alcohol and drugs, the patterns of the drug and alcohol use as researched are also presented. The article targets anyone with interests in drug and alcohol issues, especially the people who are approached by the addicts for assistance (Weegman, 10). The journal features organizational profiles, studies for the current research in addition to peer reviewed articles. Several cases of the people addicted with drugs and the actions taken by the criminal justice system are presented to act as a lesson for others trying to get involved with alcoholism.

‘Alcohol’ is an international peer reviewed journal which emphasizes on making publications on different aspects of alcoholism such as biomedical, sociological, and psychological. These publications mainly aim at highlighting the effects of alcohol on the nervous system and other organs in the body system (Holmes, 9). The causes and consequences of abusing alcohol are presented. All the alcohol related problems, treatment, and prevention are all outlined and deeply discussed. The degree of damages which can be caused by alcoholism to individual body system is widely discussed and how someone would be treated for some problems while others are incurable once they reach the chronic stage.

The above three peer reviewed journal articles are all addressing the issue of alcohol. They focus on how they can help the addicts to overcome and be saved from alcohol. The people who are tempted to start using alcohol are also provided with the best information on the impacts of alcohol and drug use. All the problems which are related with alcoholism are discussed in every article and the possible treatment which can be given to each problem are all provided to the reader. Each article has tried to enlighten the leaders about the health problems associated with alcoholism and how dangerous some can be. The criminal justice system of dealing with drug and alcohol users which should be applied is also discussed in all the articles. In every article, evidence from several researches which are done is presented where the reader can refer to get the truth about the negative effects of using alcohol.

Several things have been learned from reading these articles such as; there are a lot of social problems related to alcoholism putting aside the health problems which can be chronic. Alcoholism has been studied to cause changes to individual social behavior, in his interactions, and even in the entire environment (Weegman, 210). Alcohol has proofed to be a direct cause of some social occurrences such as traffic accidents (Dufour, 209). Emotional instability is mostly realized with already drunk people who finally lead to violent crimes. The young generation especially women have been encountering a lot of risks while they are in groups of drinking friends (Holmes, 110). Drunkard women have been taken advantage of by violent men as they are seen as sexually available. The college and university students should be provided with free literature of the dangers of alcoholism as I discovered they are the most affected.

Most of the domestic violence are linked with partner’s state of alcoholism, although it’s difficult to determine the degree of suffering which the family of the heavy drinker has suffered with relation to alcohol, most of the causes of violence are alcohol related. Both direct and indirect impacts of an alcoholic parent, children are affected greatly since they can do nothing to protect themselves from such kind of sufferings. Some children start suffering from the effects of alcoholism even before they are born. The studies revealed in the alcohol article sowed that some children are born with fetal alcohol syndrome (Holmes, 102). Most of the families of alcohol abusers actions of negligence, abuse, and sense of insecurity from the parent’s behaviors are observed. In addition, partners of alcoholics are also subjected to the consequences of alcoholism. They face many risks of violence as it is one of the many results of alcoholism.

Works cited

Dufour, M.C. Drug and Alcohol findings, vol (14), Med clinic north 2005.

Holmes, A. et al. Alcohol, vol (43)7, McMillan 2009.

Weegmann, M. Drugs and Alcohol Today, (vol) 8. Pier Professional, 2009.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 30). Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals.

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"Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals." IvyPanda, 30 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals'. 30 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals." November 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals." November 30, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals." November 30, 2021.

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