Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda Essay

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Dubai Future Agenda

Dubai Future Agenda consists of three principal pillars: Organizations, Sectors, and Individuals. Thus, in terms of the Organization pillar, the authorities will focus on the engagement of different public and private organizations by introducing “Future Teams” to apply the best modern technologies. Regarding Individuals pillar, its aim will be to build communities, capacities, knowledge, and culture (“Mohammed bin Rashid Approves”).

As for the Sectors pillar, the authorities plan to enhance the importance of the existing sectors based on technology, science, and innovation in the national economy by means of four major programs. The first program focuses on organizing interactive exhibitions in the UAE and outside of it in order to modify the concepts that will renovate these sectors. The second program is called “Future Partners” and will focus on creating global partnerships primarily in the sphere of innovation. The third program is called “Future Cities” and will focus on establishing cooperation with government organizations to introduce strategies that will help the UAE achieve worldwide leadership in the innovation sector (“Mohammed bin Rashid Approves”).

Dubai 10x Initiative

Dubai 10x Initiative include the following projects:

  • Museum of the Future. This initiative demonstrates the future of innovation, science, and technology. It will be opened during the World Government Summit in 2018.
  • Dubai Future Accelerators. This program is aimed to connect the most innovative organizations in the world to create breakthroughs in global technology issues.
  • Dubai 3D printing Strategy. This project focuses on exploiting technology to serve humanity and give Dubai and the UAE the status of the world’s center of 3D printing by 2030.
  • Dubai’s Autonomous Transportation Strategy. This strategy focuses on transforming 25% of the entire transportation system in Dubai into the autonomous mode by the year 2030.
  • Global Blockchain Council. This project aims at exploring various applications and introducing innovations in organizing transactions using the Blockchain platform (“Our Initiatives”).
  • Mostaqbal Portal. This is the Internet portal that will promote technology and science and give Arabic readers access to the latest news in these spheres.
  • Office of the Future. This program aims at building the first printed in 3D office in the world.
  • 3D Printed Replica of Palmyra Arch. This project is the reconstruction of the destroyed 2,000-year-old Triumphal Arch in Palmyra (Syria) in 2016, which will be built at the center of Trafalgar Square in Dubai.
  • AI & Robotics Award for Good. This initiative focuses on encouraging research and developments in the sphere of artificial intelligence to meet the following challenges: health, social services, and education.
  • Drones for Good Award. This project aims at the development of high-tech drones (“Our Initiatives”).

Real Estate

In terms of real estate, the Dubai authorities plan to rely primarily on 3D printing technology. According to their agenda, they plan to begin the construction of 3D buildings, so that in 2030, 25% of all the buildings in Dubai are printed. The 3D printing strategy uses the latest technology that will help reduce expenses in the construction sector of Dubai (“Dubai Future Foundation announces”).


Dubai Future Foundation will continue developing the initiatives they have been recently launched. Particularly, Mostaqbal Portal will be further developed to highlight the latest scientific breakthroughs and will also include the so-called “Schools of the Future” report that will focus on the future of the UAE educational system in the medium term. The already mentioned “Museum of the Future” will also promote education by showing various scientific presentations and engaging people in educational activities (“Dubai Future Foundation announces”).

International Relations

Regarding the international relations, the already mentioned program called “Future Partners” will play a crucial role. It aims at creating a global partners’ network in the sphere of innovation and establishing companies in future design, modeling, and consulting. It will also focus on launching joint initiatives involving international organizations and the most outstanding representatives in the sphere of innovation. Additionally, Dubai Future Foundation has recently signed several contracts with a number of international organizations to develop global partnerships. They include Shenzhen Foundation for International Cooperation, IDA, UNESCO, General Electric, and so on (“Mohammed bin Rashid Approves”).

Works Cited

“Dubai Future Foundation announces seven key “Future Challenges”, open to applications from companies around the world.” Dubai Holding, 2016. Web.

“Our Initiatives.” Dubai Future Foundation, 2017. Web.

“Mohammed bin Rashid Approves Dubai Future Agenda and Launches Dubai Future Foundation.”. 2016. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 31). Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda.

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"Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda." IvyPanda, 31 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda'. 31 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda." August 31, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda." August 31, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Dubai 10x Initiative and Future Agenda." August 31, 2020.

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