Changes in technology prompted by the information age have altered the way people learn and initiated alternative forms of learning within institutions across the world. This has been prompted by the fact that the students in the classroom are no longer individuals in their early twenties pursuing full time courses. The typical classroom today is composed of both individuals in their twenties and a significant percentage of mature students (Iyer 3). These mature students do not have as much time on their hands and are forced to juggle several responsibilities alongside studies.
Due to this trend there has been an increase in the provision of courses using current technological approaches. In these approaches face-to-face lectures are replaced with audio and video lessons (Williams, Paprock and Covington 108). In addition to that the nature of learning involves several media and approaches aimed at encouraging critical thought. This approach is also favored by the government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it promises to help meet future development goals. This report will present information on the current situation in Saudi Arabia and highlight considerations to be made for the introduction of such a course at University of Qasim.
Research & Situation Analysis
Given that the objective of the report is development of an e-Marketing guide for a short course in Saudi Arabia it would be wise to provide some information on tertiary education in the country. According to reports it has been noted that the first modern university in the country was established in 1957 in Riyadh (Shoult 437). This institution is currently known as King Saud University and is the largest education complex in the country enrolling some 30,000 students.
Due to an increase in population there is a need for expansion to satisfy demand, in 2004; King Fahd approved plans for creation of three new universities from existing university branches in Qasim, Taif and Madinah (Shoult 437). In this plan region branches of King Saud University and the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) will be merged to form the new Qasim University. In addition to that branches of King Abdul Aziz University and IMSIU n Madinah will be merged to form the Taiba University. Lastly the branch of the Umm Al-Qura University in Taif will be changed to form the nucleus of the nucleus of the new Taif University (Shoult 437).
The changes in educational outlook within the kingdom are crucial due to the fact that developing economies face significant challenges in relation to the global environment. It has been reported that the most critical of these trends is based on the need to increase the importance of knowledge (Ramady 396). This is as such as knowledge has been pointed out to be the main driver of economic growth within this information and communication revolution.
The current global economic climate emphasizes increased knowledge acquisition as is evident in the efforts of firms who have take to investing heavily in intangibles such as training, research and development (Ramady 396). The main objective of these firms is to gain a competitive advantage over competitors in the global economy. In the case of Saudi Arabia acquisition of knowledge is important based on the fact that the public sector has become saturated. This suggests that there is a need to provide additional training to residents to allow then take up jobs in the private sector (OBG 64).
In achieving the educational goals to bring about national reform it has been observed that information and communication technologies could be very useful in speeding up the flow of knowledge across boundaries (Ramady 396). Joining knowledge based economies appears to be the agenda of the government and improvements to education are useful in achieving this goal. It is reported that the role of higher education joining these knowledge based economies is currently more influential than ever (Ramady 396). This suggests that any improvements such as those undertaken in this report are very appropriately timed.

However, there appears to have been changes in the administrative approach of the Saudi government that promise continued changes in the education sector within the country. This is observed upon analysis of the expenditure of the country between 1970-1985 and 1985-2005 (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 417). Based on this data it can be observed that in the period between 1970 and 1985 the Saudi government spent 27% of its funds on human resources development and the remaining 73% on basic infrastructure. However, between 1985 and 2005 the government spent 68% of its resources on human resource development and 32% on infrastructure development (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 417). This suggests significant change in focus within the government. This suggests there is a large ready market for prospective students for this course.
This government led drive has seen major changes in education and literacy levels within the region. As a result of these efforts the number of both male and female students enrolled in all stages of higher education has multiplied as much as ten times (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 417). This is indicated in figures that indicate the enrolment in 1970 was about 540,000, while in 2005 the figure had risen to slightly over 5.3 million.
In addition to the ready market, it has been reported in addition to economic challenges there is a need within the country to bridge the gap between educational attainment and available job opportunities. This comes in light of reports that indicated that almost two thirds of the higher education graduates complete course in humanities and other fields that do not match market needs (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 422). This suggests that efforts should conform to the needs of the economy which is increasingly scientific and technology driven (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 422).
General Overview of Trends
It has been noted following the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development that the IT industry provides essential instruments that make e-business possible. According to the conference availability of telephone lines, mobile telephones, telecommunications equipment and wireless equipment play a crucial role in the success of e-business within a given country (UNCTAD 109). It is said that the availability of IT equipment goes hand in hand with internet connectivity and as such becomes a prerequisite for successful e-business (UNCTAD 109). Based on this position therefore the report will first go about ascertaining the availability of these facilities. The goal of this discovery is to identify whether opportunity exists for e-business within Saudi Arabia.
To achieve the desired economic growth, Saudi Arabia is expected to invest US$ 10.6 billion into IT based on reports coming from the Saudi Arabian Investment Authority (SAIA) (IBP USA 193). This can be taken to suggest a healthy market exists within Saudi Arabia for e-commerce activities. It is possible that the main reason for this is due to the fact the National IT plan intends to create a local IT industry which weaves e-commerce into everyday life (IBP USA 193).
In addition to that, the national plan also aims at job creation, urbanization through electronic education, electronic government and remote medical assistance (IBP USA 193). Based on these goals outlined in the national IT plan it is clear to see that initiatives such as the one proposed in this project are welcome.
Further support for this proposal comes in light of the fact that there is already change within the Saudi population with regard to e-commerce. According to the reports on this new trend a large number of Saudi’s are beginning to take to e-commerce as a shopping alternative. According to statistics released in 2008, as much as 48.36% of internet users in Saudi Arabia reported making purchases for products and services online (OBG 169).
Estimates from 2007 indicate that there were almost 4 million internet users in the country (OBG 169). This statistic can be translated to indicate an available market in excess of 3.5 million people. According to estimates this is almost 14% of the country’s population (OBG 169). This data suggests that the introduction of an e-marketing course in Saudi Arabia may not be a very difficult task so long as the correct approaches to marketing are utilized.
Consumer Behavior
As this report considers the establishment of an online marketing program for a course it is essential to understand trends likely to affect its acceptance or performance. It has been noted that the world is currently being ushers into an information age where technology plays a vital role (Iyer 3). Societal institutions including educational establishments have been affected on several levels. As a result of this educator’s, administrators and policy makers have gone about seeking the most effective tools to use the tools of technology. In this regard a major change has come in light of the role of distance learning with regard to education (Iyer 3).
One of the main reasons for this change comes in light of the complexion of modern student populations. There has been a shift from a population consisting of full time students in their early twenties to a larger percentage of part time mature students (Iyer 3). This transition in the constituents of student populations has led to a need to consider altering the approach used in learning to include asynchronous learning networks. This is because the majority of the mature students who now form a major portion of student population are forced to juggle a myriad of responsibilities alongside learning (Iyer 3).
One issue that needs to be addressed with distance learning is based on whether it is a suitable replacement to face-to-face learning. In response to this dilemma it has been observed that one important point to keep in mind in creation of suitable programs is to avoid getting caught up in the technology (Williams, Paprock and Covington 108). This comes in light of the fact that there is a relationship between meaningful learning and the extent to which learners are involved in the experience (Williams, Paprock and Covington 107). However, this should not be taken to mean that only those with complete technological knowledge are able to teach effectively. On the contrary it has been found that the basics of good instructional design remain the same.
It has been noted that to increase efficiency of higher education the Saudi government has began adoption of distant and e-learning technologies (Xu and Mohammed 164). In line with this the government recently established a center for distance and e-learning (Latchem and Jung 89). The center’s objectives include delivery of higher education to all in an effective way, delivery of quality education through e-learning, promotion of education via technology, ensure quality standards for e-learning are maintained, and finally to bridge the gap between technology and education the country (Xu and Mohammed 164).
It has been reported that this center will provide all the necessary infrastructure, technical assistance and training programs required for effective and successful e-learning programs (Xu and Mohammed 164). The center currently has five national projects in place that could be useful for this online marketing project. The Jusur project is a Saudi Learning Management System (SLMS) and its purpose is to manage the e-learning process in the Kingdom (Xu and Mohammed 164). The Tajseer project is aimed at the improvement of teaching Saudis Universities through the use of technology (Xu and Mohammed 164). It is clear to observe that the existence of these two projects can go a long way in ensuring the success of this online marketing course within the Kingdom.
Observations on Higher Education
On observation of trends affecting higher education in Algeria, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, it has been noted that there have been major transitions to openness and quality (Xu and Mohammed 167). These governments have made tremendous input into the improvement of education through effective use of ICT, e-learning and e-training. However, despite these efforts it has been observed that e-learning in these countries is still under explored and deployed (Xu and Mohammed 167).
This is due to the fact that the university web services in these countries are not fully automated (Xu and Mohammed 167). Due to this the e-services offered do not cover all the university needs. For example, examinations are still supervised and checked using traditional approaches. This suggests that in developing a suitable online marketing plan these considerations should be kept in mind. In addition to that it was also noted that e-learning in these countries is still at an infancy stage. This is due to factors such as lack of awareness among students, parents and teachers (Xu and Mohammed 167). The reduced availability of e-learning services and lack of adequately trained staff also play major role in the poor performance associated with e-learning in these countries.
To address these concerns it has been suggested that certain steps are considered to bridge the gap. One step is to increase the awareness among students, parents and teachers on the potential of e-learning approaches (Xu and Mohammed 168). Another useful approach is to slowly move to delivery of specific course via the cyber domain as is the case at MIT (Xu and Mohammed 168). In addition to that it is crucial that institutions take suitable steps to equip the campuses with IT installations to support e-learning. In addition to the above it has also been observed that cross border cooperation could play a significant role in adoption of e-learning within institutions and the countries (Xu and Mohammed 168). Lastly it would be appropriate to provide high speed interconnection between various institutions to support collaboration and information sharing.
Competitive Analysis
In analyzing the competitive climate it is essential to consider the general situation within the region. In this regard it has been noted that the modernization of education is ranked as the most obvious concern in Saudi educational institutions. As a result of the government efforts to improve e-learning within its institutions the 2007 market for e-learning in the region was valued at US$ 30 million and is expected to rise to US$ 125 million by 2008 (Remenyi 7). In studies on the trends affecting e-learning in the country it has been noted that the market for e-learning was expected to grow at a rate of 33% for the five years starting 2007. The main drive for this growth is expected to be through government initiatives and education projects.
Already several schools in the country have brought e-learning into the classroom with students and teachers using laptops for lessons (Remenyi 7). It is expected that following the rise in the market the Kingdom will emerge the leading e-learning market in the Middle Eastern region. This position suggests that the effort to implement an online marketing course is likely to succeed given that the students are already accustomed to e-learning initiatives.
In addition to that it was noted that as of 2006 the Kingdom had 14 Universities and about 144 colleges serving both men and women in the country (Remenyi 7). There has been rapid growth of number enrolled in these institutions causing significant pressure. In response to the pressure the institutions have mainly resorted to creation of new branches. This option has not been very suitable due to the effect of three gulf wars and several other Middle East crises (Remenyi 8). Based on the above fact it can be assumed that a successful online course may offer a small solution that can be implemented in other courses and institutions to ease the pressure on higher learning institutions.
Current Product Analysis
It is reported that successful real time marketing is the boundless opportunity of the present. This is based on evidence that indicates corporate executives and small business owners are actively seeking education and information on how to tap into the use of social media services for business (Macy and Thompson 2). More and more people around the world are daily joining new social media networks mainly due to the free nature associated with the social media networks. This virtual water cooler kind of environment where people with similar interests converge can prove to very beneficial for the online marketing course.
This trend has been seen to take shape based on the changes that have taken place in the way communication is handled. When the web first came onto the scene the increased use of email programs began to attract a wide number of users to the internet. As the numbers grew so too did the needs of these users and eventually these programs transformed to the currently know social media sites such as facebook, twitter, etc (Macy and Thompson 22). This popularity has also been influenced by the fact that a majority of these platforms are free of charge. The current generation of youth who have grown up with the internet have become very accustomed to the use of the internet for a wide variety of purposes. This presents an opportunity for the online marketing course to tap into and attract new students.
Target Market
In understanding the importance of projects such as this one it is crucial to keep in mind the potential threats facing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. According to some reports it has been indicated that among the most serious threats facing the Kingdom is the rapid population growth (Cordesman 553). In addition to that it has been noted that the oil wealth is limited and therefore there is a major need to diversify. This problem is further complicated due to the strong negative position held by Wahhabi Ulema with regard to birth control (Cordesman 553). This suggests that if the population is not controlled the most effective measure will therefore be the diversification of industry.
It has also been noted that currently almost half the population is under eighteen. Within the next half decade this portion of the population will require jobs and careers. This suggests that diversification efforts need to be undertaken urgently. This marketing course thus presents a good solution to the national dilemma. In relation to the diversification demand it has also been noted that the majority of graduates in the country graduate in humanities and other fields that do not match market needs within the country (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 422).
This comes in light of reports that indicated that almost two thirds of the higher education graduates complete course in humanities and other fields that do not match market needs (Marginson, Kaur and Sawir 422). This addition of a marketing course is likely to help in the diversification as it allows for training of graduates in fields that are related to market needs. Another reason why the marketing course is thought wise can be traced from the fact that a large percentage of jobs in the private sector are held by expatriates (Shoult 306). Plans to include more Saudi’s in the workplace began as far back as 1996 and are meant to allow the introduction of more locals into the private sector (Shoult 306). It is believed that this marketing course and other similar efforts have a role to play in achieving this goal.
Unique Selling Position
After considering the introduction of the technology in the market it would be wise to consider techniques that would guarantee success. To achieve this, the institution will give adequate consideration to the selection of devices to be used and provide adequate training on best practices associated with the devices (JISC). An example of such devices includes the use of an interactive slate within the classroom. This slate can be used to control the board and allows the teacher more flexibility in engaging the students while writing n the white board (JISC). This device has been found effective at improving interaction between teachers and students and improving teacher confidence.
Also to ensure success of the course the institution will take time to invest in teaching lecturers best practices associated with e-learning. For example it has been noted that the lecturer is required to learn to give meaningful feedback (Levin-Goldberg). As opposed to face-to-face situations where a simple comment will suffice this approach requires lots of communication and the institution will prepare the staff (Ely).
In addition to that there will be constant reviews of the curriculum to ensure it is relevant, rigorous and congruent with market demands. This is due to the fact that just covering the information may not be enough to guarantee success (Levin-Goldberg). The course will be designed with performance based assessment assisted by clearly defined learning objectives to keep learners sharp (Pierce). This has been observed as useful in assisting learners reach maximum potential (Levin-Goldberg). These are some among the approaches that will be utilized to ensure success of the course.
Search for Domains
In the selection of an appropriate domain for the online marketing course several considerations were deemed as important. Based on analysis of the cost of hosting it was observed that domains can be purchased for as little as $10 on an annual basis (Buckshon 87). However, given the institutional nature of this service it has been observed that a slightly higher figure would be more suitable. In this regard therefore a more personal service suitable for an institution should be in the range of $25 on an annual basis (Buckshon 87).
In addition to the registration of a domain it has been noted that the selection of an appropriate suffix is very crucial in helping users identify with the website (WordPress). Suffixes such,.net,.org,.ae,.sa, etc, are very useful in identifying the nature and location of a business (Buckshon 87).
It is also advisable to avoid the use of popular suffixes such unless they are meant to prevent copy cats on the internet. In relation to this the selection of an appropriate prefix also goes a long way in directing traffic to the website (Buckshon 87). In addition to this it has been noted that the selected name should be clear and easily spelled to identify the institution (TWT). Given the institution is called University of Qasim an appropriate name would be
The website used by the institution is basically the first landing point potential clients will visit. For this reason the design of the web page should be made after giving adequate consideration to its purpose (Buckshon 88). Given the nature of this project it is clear to see that over sophistication is likely to hinder the visitors and result in poor registration for the course.
It is wise to consider providing as much information as possible to the user through this medium (Buckshon 88). For this reason it is important to consider having documents and even audio files available for download on the sit. The documents can be samples or actual registration forms while the audio files provided can be tutorials about the course and institution. Depending on personal choice the website may even include a video file which may be used to provide a campus tour.
It has also been observed that inclusion of a blog is a useful approach to help build site traffic rapidly (Buckshon 89). The inclusion of such a feature in the design can prove to be very instrumental in launching of the online marketing course as it allows potential users exchange views on the product. In addition to that the blog can provide administrators with valuable feedback on progress. In relation to blogs it is therefore wise to provide links between the website and popular social media websites. This feature can ensure users are updated quickly on any changes and new information from the website.
Another consideration that is useful to the launch of the online marketing course is the aspect of search engine optimization. It has been observed in numerous studies that the use of search engines plays a major role in the traffic a site can generate (Buckshon 95).
n line with this it is crucial that the website be located fast upon searching on a search engine such a Google. To achieve this would require search engine optimization activity to improve website ranking (Buckshon 95). This is likely to have a significant impact on the performance of the site. Though this list of items to consider is not conclusive it highlights the major activities to consider when launching a website such as the one proposed in this project.
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