Emirates NBD and Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts are Dubai-based companies whose digital marketing strategies have earned them success. They utilized a #FastWithFriends and #LiveTheMoment campaign. These companies effectively use social media marketing, content marketing, and vlogging to attract and retain their customers through posts that showcase their products and services to interested buyers.
Digital Marketing Campaigns
Digital marketing campaigns increase brand recognition and allow companies to access a larger target market. Emirates NBD recently launched the #FastWithFriends campaign to increase cohesion within the Muslim community during the holy Ramadhan month (Blakey, 2022). The campaign centered on abstaining from food and drink in that community and encouraged other participants from alternate faith to participate (MENAFN, 2022). The event has a noticeable effect on life in the city since rush-hour times significantly change and work rates due to fatigue or hunger (John, 2021). With over 8 million expatriates and approximately 1 million Emiratis, Dubai was the perfect place to carry out the campaign (Jackman, 2022). The event also engendered cultural awareness and understanding during Ramadhan.
Alternatively, Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts is a hotel chain that has revamped its marketing strategies to fit in the digital age. They launched the #LiveTheMoment campaign between 2021 and 2022 to celebrate the rising travel ban restrictions brought about by COVID-19 (Godfrey, 2020). After receiving a certificate confirming their health and safety regulations from Bureau Veritas, 12 hotels re-opened (Bond, 2020). The campaign offered guests 20% off the normal cost if they booked within an appropriate time (Apo, 2021). Furthermore, if the stay is extended more than three nights, exclusive privileges and discounts kick in their wellness and dining departments (Ruhling, 2022). Furthermore, the hotel chain promised visitors an eco-friendly stay with high safety and hygiene standards (Bond, 2020). Posts consisted of relaxing pictures involving hotel scenery with guests depicted in wellness gear such as robes and slippers (Jumeirah Group, 2020). These digital strategies aided sales and helped them acquire new consumers.
Digital Marketing Strategies
The Jumeirah Group and Emirates NBD utilize content marketing have to generate interest in their services. For instance, the hotel group offers potential guests tips on hotel stay and staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic (Apo, 2021). Emirates NBD insists on online banking safety and lists tips such as updating one’s browser and not sharing logging credentials to maintain secrecy (Benito, 2020). The content is not sales-driven but uses keywords to tope in consumers and get them interested in the company’s products and services.
Social media marketing has become effective as more users create online accounts to socialize with family and friends. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter increase brand awareness by distilling promotional and informational posts (Putri, 2021). It is also useful in engaging with users and receiving feedback on rendered services (Henderson, 2021). Building a reputation today requires careful use of social media channels since they are wide-reaching and relevant daily (Wutzke, 2022; Dwivedi et al., 2021). Jumeirah’s Instagram account uses captivating photography and inviting language to interest customers as shown in figure 1. Their platform widens their brand recognition and increase their target base.

Alternatively, Emirates NBD tries to elicit trust through posts indicating happy consumers or values they are vested in, such as family and financial growth.
Vlogging is a form of video marketing wherein video blogs are used for communication. YouTube is a platform where vlogging is consistently active and has even become a common part of social media (Ahmad, 2022). A 5-minute vlog can distill lengthy written blogs and inform their watchers of critical information. Both companies have a presence on YouTube, and their videos are geared to attract more customers by showcasing their products and services. Through vlogs, Emirates NBD puts wealth management tips and investment solutions on its YouTube page (“Emirates NBD,” 2022). In comparison, Jumeirah has created a Dubai beach vlog that immerses users in a visually stimulating holiday experience (“Dubai Jumeirah Beach,” 2022). These avenues help them gain customers and establish a digital presence.
Marketing Campaigns and Objective Achievement
Brand loyalty is achieved when consumers feel their values are reflected in their chosen companies. The #FastWithFriends campaign gave donations to the Al Jalila Children’s Hospital, which they solicited from participants (Blakey, 2022). Their financial and social support for children convinces and retains current customers because of their values.
The process also raised awareness of Ramadhan and the sentiments Muslims underwent during that period. Both these ventures are an extension of corporate social responsibility and show a dedication to the community and social cohesion (Althuwaini, 2022). By challenging people from other faiths to participate, the process unites Dubai residents and shows an investment in people. In turn, buyers remain loyal to the brand and are interested in its development.
Jumeirah’s posts increase brand recognition by giving potential guests views of their hotels and services. Offering stayers discounts gets people interested, and video proof through their social media accounts triggers feelings of wanderlust. These efforts encourage users to create memories at their beach destinations and resorts, which increases their market base and appeals to newer consumers (Draper, 2022). Incentives such as discount packages build trust and increase customer engagement.
In conclusion, the Jumeirah Group and Emirates NBD companies utilize digital marketing campaigns to create brand loyalty and recognition. The former’s #LiveTheMoment campaign and the latter’s #FastWithFriends campaign allowed both organizations to engage their audiences via social media posts and vlogs. It is essential to transition to digital strategies to compete in the current market.
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