Performance evaluation is a critical activity when evaluating the accomplishment of a worker’s duties. His contribution to the company’s productivity is determined by the rating made by managers monthly, quarterly, or annually. Highly rated employees have a strong emotional commitment, leadership skills, strong ties with the staff, and flexibility. Employers use peer review, self-assessment, quantitative evaluation, graphic ranking, and other techniques to encourage workers to improve their performance.
Employee Performance Evaluation
Industrial – Organizational Psychologists believe that assessment provided by the supervisor is the most efficient compared to other subjective and objective methods (Adler et al., 2016). The reason is that supervisors usually possess special training, which allows them to rate employers professionally. Usually, companies comprehend subjective methods from peers or 360 – degree feedback from customers and subordinates (Shaout & Yousif, 2014). It helps employees figure out how others perceive their work by giving their thoughts about professional skills, teamwork, and motivation. Workers improve their productivity because they get a chance to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, they learn to make new decisions justified by others’ evaluations based on reduced bias and leniency.
Although many experts find performance evaluation bureaucratic and disappointing for employees, they cannot eliminate it. In practice, employee evaluation is an effective strategy to engage both manager and worker in dialogue by providing structured feedback. The only problem that managers should resolve is the interpretation of this valuation. If an employee receives poorly communicated destructive feedback, he loses all motivation. In personal experience, this took place once, leading to eventual dismissal, due to the lack of opportunity to regain motivation. Conversely, effective feedback urges employee to improve his performance, resulting in pay increases and promotions. Such feedback could have been vital in personal experience, preventing the dismissal, definitely being worth the time and effort. Therefore, many evaluation methods bring benefits to the workers if appropriately applied.
To conclude, companies define employee performance differently: by job behaviors, managers’ and colleagues’ judgments. The adopted type of assessment depends on the type and size of a business. Most companies tend to evaluate their workers from different perspectives, considering quantitative and qualitative methods. Despite what kind of assessment they specifically chose, the most important is that it should be transparent, flexible, and structured evaluations stimulating workers’ efficiency, concentration, and ambitions.
Adler, S., Campion, M., Colquitt, A., Grubb, A., Murphy, K., Ollander-Krane, R., Pulakos, E. (2016). Getting rid of performance ratings: Genius or folly? A debate. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(2), 219-252.
Shaout, A., Yousif, M. (2014). Performance evaluation – methods and techniques survey. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 3(5), 966-978.