Information literacy is a tool that allows people to determine their information needs, localize and evaluate the quality of information, and accumulate data. In addition, information literacy helps to conduct effective and ethically correct use of information create other information, and share knowledge (Brooks et al., 2021). Each individual’s information literacy can be considered an essential foundation for achieving personal, social, professional, and educational goals. Skills defined by information literacy allow people to effectively apply lifelong learning technologies, as well as contribute to the development of socially valuable knowledge. That is, the importance lies in the fact that knowledge and information are inextricably linked and help ensure practical work.
As a result of the research, my information literacy skills began to improve. I realized how important and necessary they are both in everyday life and at work or when performing any tasks. Information literacy also had a positive impact on the development of secondary skills and also formed the ability to use the data obtained in work ethically correctly (Brooks et al., 2021). Such skills include identifying information needs, assessing the quality of information, using information to create and disseminate knowledge, and others. In addition, my communication skills have improved, as information literacy has helped me to apply and use the information correctly.
Having strong information literacy skills can have a beneficial effect on both my professional career and academic performance. This is because information literacy develops many secondary skills, the possession of which will help to cope with many tasks (Brooks et al., 2021). I will be able to search, select, evaluate, and interpret different information, even if it is presented in various forms. I will also be able to adequately express my need for specific details process the information received and create a new one. In addition, information literacy skills will help me effectively search for the necessary data.
Brooks, A., Warner, L., Hammons, J. (2021). Information literacy leadership. College & Research Libraries News, 82(6), 278. Web.