Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model Essay

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Evidence-based practice (EBP) includes performing practical processes based on scientific evidence confirming its effectiveness obtained earlier. The EBP contributes to delivering the most efficient treatment and care services as it considers the experience that researchers have gained. Evidence-based practice is used in nursing by examining previous practices by nurses and considering their results. Thus, patients are provided with the most effective treatment methods, health protection, care, diagnosis, and prevention methods. The paper will present the EBP model, its fundamental principles, the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and the application of the model to solve the selected problem.

Main body

To utilize empirical knowledge gained, it is essential to be based on specific models and techniques that contribute to the most effective implementation. One such methodology is the ACE star model, which is based on five main aspects, namely, knowledge discovery, evidence synthesis, translation of recommendations into practice, integration into practice, and evaluation (Buttaro et al., 2019). The study is carried out by applying classical research methods at the first stage of knowledge discovery. The acquired knowledge is synthesized in the second step, and the main aspects are combined into one complete statement. The third stage is transforming the received information for clinicians and clients in the most appropriate form, taking into account the time, price, and standard of care (Chen et al., 2020). Finally, there are stages of knowledge implementation, namely the utilization of the obtained data and evaluation, when the results of the previous steps are assessed.

In nursing, it is crucial to be based on specific methods that confirm the competence of nurses. Thus, it can be achieved by obtaining certain degrees that facilitate the selection of the most professional personnel. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a professional degree in nursing. In the United States, DNP is one of only three doctoral degrees in nursing, the others being Ph.D. and Doctor of Nursing research degrees. Moreover, DNP plays a significant role in evidence-based practice as graduates are trained in the most efficient way to use the EBP models. In other words, DNP students have the opportunity to use the full potential of the EBP models due to the knowledge and experience gained.

One of the most relevant and urgent issues of nursing and healthcare systems worldwide has recently been the COVID-19 pandemic. It is because the infection revealed many problems that were in a semi-hidden state and which were not so urgent. In nursing, issues include the high mortality of the disease, namely the timeliness of the necessary intervention to save the patient, and the mental state of patients. In this regard, the ACE star model is effective as it allows one to break down the process of using previous experiences into basic parts. The application of this model includes the selection, synthesis, translation, implementation, and evaluation of information on mortality from COVID-19 and the data utilization for effective treatment, care, and prevention. It is worth noting that since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a significant evidence-based practice ground.

Thus, the mental health problems under COVID-19 include feelings of entrapment, anxiety, and nervousness. The ACE star model made it possible to develop an effective method for detecting and dealing with this problem using the main aspects of the pattern. Therefore, in the first stage, information about the feeling of entrapment and anxiety is collected using a literature review (Lee & Park, 2021). Further, evidence synthesis includes identifying elements of the sense of entrapment in Covid-19, after which, under the translation of recommendations for practice, one presents the reduction method (Lee & Park, 2021). Then, the ways of social and mental support are presented as integration into practice, afterwards one evaluates the results (Lee & Park, 2021). Such an approach is evidence of how to improve the problem by applying the ACE star model.

The following evidence of the effectiveness of the ACE star model is the application of the pattern to solve the mortality problem from COVID-19. Thus, information about respiratory disease mortality is collected in the first stage (Raja, 2020). Next, one extrapolates the found data to statistics related to mortality from COVID-19 and develops reduction methods (Raja, 2020). Furthermore, ways of integration into practice are elaborated by creating suitable drugs or vaccines. Finally, one analyzes the results obtained and evaluates them regarding accessibility and effectiveness (Raja, 2020). Thereby, it is possible to avoid significantly more negative consequences of the pandemic than one has now. Moreover, the role of the DNP for each stage of the model is formulated by improved principles of information retrieval, evidence synthesis, and evaluation of results due to existing experience. In addition, DNP contributes to the effective development of the stages of integration into the practice of the created methods.


To conclude, EBP delivers the most effective treatment and care services by applying various patterns, including the ACE star one. This model is based on five main aspects and effectively solves the problem associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of patients’ mental health and high mortality rates. Thus, due to the ACE star model, one has the opportunity to develop effective methods for reducing the feeling of entrapment and high mortality based on previous experiences and obtained information. All this allows one to significantly improve outcomes for both nursing and healthcare systems around the world as a whole.


Buttaro, T. M., Bailey, P. P., Cook, J. S., & Trybulski, J. (2019). Primary care e-book: A collaborative practice. (6th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Chen, X., Zhou, L., Tan, Y., & Tao, Z. (2020). Selection of PICC catheter location in neonates via evidence-based ACE Star model. Medical Sciences, 45(9), 1082-1088.

Lee, H. J., & Park, B. M. (2021). Feelings of entrapment during the Covid-19 pandemic based on ACE star model: A concept analysis. Healthcare, 30(10).

Raja, L. (2020). Creation of a Covid-19 community testing team for home health and hospice. University of San Francisco. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 25). Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model. https://ivypanda.com/essays/enhancing-nursing-practice-with-the-ace-star-model/

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"Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model." IvyPanda, 25 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/enhancing-nursing-practice-with-the-ace-star-model/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/enhancing-nursing-practice-with-the-ace-star-model/.

1. IvyPanda. "Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/enhancing-nursing-practice-with-the-ace-star-model/.


IvyPanda. "Enhancing Nursing Practice with the ACE Star Model." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/enhancing-nursing-practice-with-the-ace-star-model/.

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