Environment Influence on Buying Behavior Essay

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This paper inspects the powerful variables that are more noteworthy concerning the buying behavior and states of mind towards settling on a buying choice. The paper highlights the significance of identity attributes, social foundations, societal standards, purchase circumstances and mental thinking. These compelling variables characterize how a man carries on and settles on a choice when purchasing merchandise and items in the commercial center. The paper unravels each powerful component and creates a chain of importance positioning framework to delineate the significance and adequacy of every variable.

While making the chain of importance, the paper considered the principle focuses that the group members talked about. The material exhibited in the course reading material, and the group members’ judgment of every component. By and large, the paper considered both subjective and target points of view of the compelling components. The paper presumed that every component did have an impact somehow, yet each was measured in an unexpected way. The paper will uncover our own positioning of powerful elements and our thought processes in picking each. The paper will likewise give our solidified pecking order of the influential factors on buying behavior and the thinking behind it.


Buying behavior is the study of how, when, why and where people do or do not source for goods or services. It attempts to assess the influence of the clients from external factors such as high salaries and income, the growth of urban lifestyle, among others. It is a common practice for the customers to purchase goods and services for a number of reasons. These reasons may include reinforcing self-concepts, maintaining a given lifestyle, becoming part of a particular group or gaining acceptance in a group they already belong, and or expressing cultural identity. This paper explores the important hierarchical factors that influence the actions of the consumers.

The theme under study is a portrayal of how the chain of the importance of powerful elements drives the customers to settle on an official conclusion on purchasing behavior. It is essential to acknowledge how one variable is influencing another on the grounds that we need to comprehend the buyers’ activities, sentiments, and considerations that can apply to business technique, shape society and settle on dependable choices as a purchaser.

The layout of the paper structures as uncovering the methodology of how we categorize the persuasive components by mirroring the significance of each. We utilize our group personality maps and level headed discussions to portray how those compelling elements settle on in the choice procedure. At that point, we examine about the shocks and morals that we experienced in organizing this paper. We further incorporate monetary variables that were not examined in the chain of importance and think of a finish of what we have found out about the impacts from shopper behavior.

The paper relies on past and present literature to present the facts which are both theoretical and practical. Since shoppers vary crosswise over through individual variables, these distinctions help to mark the marketing communication. Albeit outside impacts, for example, the society and social norms can influence buyers by the social surroundings that encompass them in a regular schedule. The individual components drive the most to purchase as buyers essentially experience a decision-making process by contemplations and activities as per our meaning of buying behavior.

Despite the fact that culture is conceived with family values, convictions, observations, and inclinations, the customers may adjust to another society of convictions and practices when they touch base to the new environment. Case in point, in the U.S. society, espresso is the first decision for morning refreshment. Be that as it may, if buyers go to Asia, they may attempt tea as the refreshment of the decision.

Presentation of hierarchy of influential factors

The presentation of a chain of command of persuasive variable positions ranges from the minimum impact of cultural elements, social components, purchase situations and psychological elements to the most prominent impact of the elements of buying behavior.

Cultural elements

The cultural elements are less imperative than social variables for the individuals can change their contemplations and recognitions by the cultural assimilation process. Along these lines, the individuals can change their purchasing behavior upon which culture they have a place into adjusting to the social environment. In my social class as an undergraduate, I am compelled to purchase a tablet. Since most undergrads have possessed tablets, I need to own a tablet to fit into the school social environment.

Social components

The adjustment of taking in the college subculture has driven me to attempt new items, thoughts and administrations that incorporate me into another utilization design. I begin to purchase college items and joining the college clubs because of the societal impacts of another subculture. I categorized the social elements to be second vital determinant because of the societal impacts that encompass individuals with a day by day life premise. The social elements like family, reference gathering and the status impact the buying behavior on the grounds that individuals expect to identify with a particular group.

The family can assume the solid part on affecting buyer behavior in light of the fact that they may share their contemplations and proposals that rouse their relatives to purchase the specific item. My family prescribes to me that Samsung brand is the best organization to purchase a cell phone. Their positive convictions towards the Samsung brand rouse me to purchase a Samsung cell phone. Peer groups, for example, companions and colleagues can likewise impact shopper behavior since individuals have interfaced with them in their day by day life. In addition, the peer groups share an arrangement of desires and perceive themselves as members from a typical social group.

Purchase situation

Purchase situation is the third persuasive element that affects the behavior of the consumer. At the point when purchasers visit a shop, the ambiance of the store can impact them. For example, the climate components like the smell, music, shading, social settings and virtual shopping circumstances are likely to influence the consumers. In the event that the physical environment of the store is encompassed with great climate, the buyers may have a positive bearing and they will have a tendency to purchase the item from the shop. The purchase circumstances can have an unequivocal influence on the purchaser’s responsive state. Additionally, time imperatives can change the purchasers’ examination of information. The buyers have a tendency to settle on straightforward decisions than those in less strained circumstances because of time stress. My group contended that if customers go shopping just before the shop closes, they do not have sufficient time to ponder and consider the appropriate product. Rather, they will pick the quickest choice.

Psychological factors

In spite of the fact that purchase circumstance pushes the shoppers to purchase the item, the psychological variables apply when the customers pick a brand of the item. Psychological motives are classified into 16 categories. There are two criteria that determine the four major categories, for instance, whether the mode of actions is cognitive or effective, and whether the motive is centered on the preservation or growth. The four major categories are further subdivided into two groups, for instance, whether the deeds of the consumer have been initiated or are a response; and whether the behavior of the consumer occurs internally or externally (Adetule, 2011, p. 132). The cognitive motives include cognitive preservation motives and cognitive growth motives. The cognitive preservation motives include the need for uniformity, which occurs internally and actively.

Personal factors

Other than psychological factor, personal factors are a big determinant. Here we explore the taste and preference of the consumer. At the same time, the consumer’s lifestyle that encompasses the latest trends in technology is very significant. Consumers tend to identify with a particular image that fit their lifestyles. Along these lines, the individuals can change their purchasing behavior upon which lifestyle they have a place into adjusting to the social environment. Appendix 1 shows the purchasing mind map utilized by my group.

My group members also utilized the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to explain the concept of buying behavior. Abraham Maslow developed the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and suggested that people have desires that affect their activities. The higher the hierarchy of needs, the more psychologically healthier a person becomes (Maslow 1943, p. 372). The five needs are physiological needs, security needs, love, self- esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. When the basic needs are satisfied, people advance to the security needs.

The next stage after this is having the need for sense and belonging. People at this level are looking for friendship and desire to belong to a group. At the next level, people need the recognition and appreciation of the others; it is the self-esteem and self-respect level (Maslow 1943, p. 372). Finally, there are self-actualization needs, which people seek to fulfill themselves in the pursuit of self-development, job satisfaction, and creativity. In the past, the management rewarded consumers focusing on the physiological needs and security needs, while currently the management reward system has chosen to satisfy the higher needs of the consumers such as self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs.

Discussion of selection mind maps

The mind maps perceived by my group did not coordinate our recently made chain of the importance of impacts. All things considered, ‘social’ was the most powerful component among our psyche maps, setting first and second on our grade. Numerous buyers yearning to assimilate with the patterns present in the society. This designates numerous buyers to make buys based on the patterns society considers fit. The individual component, which we picked first on our progressive rundown, was set third in our list. Our group’s open deliberation about alternate components additionally helped shape our new chain of command. Our classifications changed in light of the fact that our introductory choices were taking into account untimely understandings of every variable.

When we had the opportunity to profoundly mull over and break down every impact, our points of view and dispositions towards them advanced. We had the capacity to make improved verdicts and study every element to fit our new positioning framework. Our positioning framework changed on the grounds that the discourse we occupied with obliged us to research data about the identity, along these lines making it our central subject for a group debate. We established a private relationship with the thought of identity being a more solid component. Our choice to place identity as the first in our list may have seemed one-sided. Notwithstanding, we are firm adherents that identity sorts are exceptionally differing and best characterize who we are.

Discussion of debates

Our talk identity helped shape our positioning of the persuasive figures the pecking order of impact. By breaking down and returning to the course reading material on identity, we reasoned that it ought to be set on of our chain of importance rundown as the most imperative component of shopper behavior. The discussions held in class fortified our comprehension of identity and gave us a chance to investigate a few angles. We contended that identity was the most imperative impact and legitimized that suspicion with its genuine definition. We decided to decipher identity as an umbrella term for some variables that affected the consumers’ point of view when making a purchase.

Some solid attributes that were embedded in the identity definition were subjective, full of feeling, behavior, and motivation. We talked about how specialists sort their business sector into distinctive arrangements of identities that repress diverse purchasing practices and attributes. A few individuals have money-oriented identities, which are ordinarily envious in nature, focused, and take a stab at the obtaining of their peer’s items. Explores likewise recognize inventive identities, which are imaginative and willing to attempt new item discharges without a second thought.

Brands likewise tackle identities to speak to their buyers. Every brand name utilizes a situating procedure that takes after the customers’ practices and identities. Organizations do this exceptionally well to fulfill dependable associations with their customers (Bennett & Rundle-Thiele, 2002, p. 200). Case in point, Nike has made a fine showing of depicting their image to advance aggressiveness, diligence and has propelled a large number of individuals around the globe to be dynamic. Their trademark relates to people or groups who are motivated and inspired to engage in sports.

The element that attracted the most resistance was the purchase circumstance. A group member accepted that purchase circumstance was not as critical in light of the fact that it was not an inner component. It did not straightforwardly influence our temperament, the state of mind, or feelings. This restriction was taking into account the thought that inward elements are more persuasive than outside elements.

Discussion of surprises

In the course of making this paper, the group members found the impacts of stress on decision-making. There are pivotal segregating variables that exist between the buyers who are active and the buyers who are not. These variables are versatility issues, age, and level of training. The choice of the users to lean toward unlimited satisfaction is impacted by their demographic attributes and mental qualities. The customers favor consumption bundles that offer them fervors and increase the value of their lives. Before the clients settle on a choice, they inquire whether their well-being is safeguarded (Gratton & Jones, 2004, p. 410). The yearning for security increases as the client develops to be more seasoned.

The demeanor to consume can be classified into different groups, for example, rest and unwinding, training, experience, mingling, and a break from everyday examples of life. Similarly, other researchers reasoned that the noteworthy push and force inspirations of the sightseers were: the longing to look for learning, and the inclination to be safe (Dahesh, Nasab, & Ling, 2012, p. 143). The more established customers were, for the most part, propelled to go off the longing to unwind, associate, learn, and to pick up fervor. The inspiration for the shopper is moving towards the yearning to rest or unwind the longing for physical activity or wellness, and the craving for instruction. The more youthful buyers are more instructed when contrasted with the older ones. In this manner, they generally complete a data seek before they continue with their consumption (Burns & Bush, 2000, p. 129).

Discussion of ethics

Consumers make their decisions based on the available time. Business chiefs are endeavoring to set up and keep up an environment that is greater for the fulfillment of consumers, who are endeavoring together in groups towards the achievement of foreordained objectives. A few studies have been completed to scout the examples of the behavior of the consumers. The profiles of the consumers are differing as to their likelihood to shop at merchandising channels, their decision of shopping centers, and their wellsprings of data concerning the accessible shopping exercises.

Consumers compete for access prizes in their environment, such as promotion and motivation increments. Consequently, integrating ethics among buyers at different levels of management plays an essential role in motivating them to put more efforts in their job roles and responsibilities. Subsequently, the administration’s satisfaction is improved considerably. The satisfaction inequality is directly correlated to the union and individual satisfaction.

Any influential factors for further research

This paper mainly explored the concept of consumer performance in line with the past and present available literature. Many of the available studies have not explored the affective motives that guide buying behavior. Affective motives have a major influence on the experiences of the consumers’ consumption process with regard to their judgments on post-purchase satisfaction (Adetule, 2011, p. 132). In this case, it is assumed that the satisfaction of the consumer is dependent on the performance of the product, the perceptions of the consumer in relation to the product, and the manners of the consumers.

The ratio between the performance and the perception rises as the level of the consumer’s satisfaction also rises. The ratio depends on the nature of the experiences that the consumers have in relation to the experience they had envisaged or desired. The dissatisfaction of the consumers comes about when there is a major disparity between what the consumers had expected and what they actually experience in terms of the performance of the products. This paper recommends that future researchers should explore the concept of affective motives.


Buying behavior arises from the fact that customers have expectations on satisfaction levels and job positions. If they perceive that they are unfairly satisfied or paid, they are likely to reduce their effort in chasing after the product. Moreover, the development of the perception of being under-satisfied is likely to contribute to the negative demeanor amongst users. Examples of such behaviors include sabotage, lack of cooperation and cohesion amongst clients. This aspect might significantly reduce the overall organizational satisfaction.

Motivating the shoppers’ higher satisfactions improve a business’s competitiveness in the market, hence improving the likelihood of attracting and maintaining more. High satisfaction acts as an incentive in promoting consumer loyalty. High levels of satisfaction are positively correlated with the loyalty and positive bearings of the clients. This strategy is mainly prevalent in societies that have adopted individual satisfaction-related motivation systems.


Adetule, J. (2011). Handbook on management theories. Bloomington: Author House. Web.

Bennett, R., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2002). A Comparison of Attitudinal Loyalty Measurement Approaches. Journal of Brand Management, 9(3), 193-209. Web.

Burns, A., & Bush, R. (2000). Marketing Research. New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. Web.

Dahesh, N., Nasab, A., & Ling, C. (2012). The Study of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust and Switching Barriers on Customer Retention in Malaysia Hypermarkets. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(7), 141-150. Web.

Gratton, C., & Jones, I. (2004). Research methods for sport studies. Chicago: Psychology Press. Web.

Maslow, A. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 16). Environment Influence on Buying Behavior. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-influence-on-buying-behavior/

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"Environment Influence on Buying Behavior." IvyPanda, 16 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/environment-influence-on-buying-behavior/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Environment Influence on Buying Behavior'. 16 May.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Environment Influence on Buying Behavior." May 16, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-influence-on-buying-behavior/.

1. IvyPanda. "Environment Influence on Buying Behavior." May 16, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-influence-on-buying-behavior/.


IvyPanda. "Environment Influence on Buying Behavior." May 16, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-influence-on-buying-behavior/.

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