Executive summary
Proteins have been revealed to be very crucial components of the cell structure; in which they account for various cell metabolic processes. Among the various chemicals of life, proteins play a very significant role in ensuring the well being of the body through fostering proper cell metabolism. In the determination of the concentration of proteins in different body tissues, we carried out various laboratory experiments; in which various body tissues were tested for protein content. After testing for protein contents in various body tissues using the Biuret Test, variations in the protein concentration in these tissues was observed. We found out that, the concentration of proteins in the body cells was greatly influenced by the type of metabolic activity taking place in such body parts (tissues) and their consequent implications to the general body performance (Bruce, Bray & Hopkin, 1999).
For instance, we found out in animals that, proteins occurred in high concentrations in the blood, the reproductive cells and the epidermal tissues. We also found that, plant proteins were found to be in higher concentration in seeds than in the epidermal tissues and support tissues. Perhaps, the aim of the experiment was to help to form a basis for various scientific phenomena believed to be controlled by proteins in the body. Generally, the protein concentration in various body parts was determined by the type metabolic process taking place in such body tissues and the ultimate function of such body tissues (Williams, (2004).
Various researches have revealed that, different cellular activities in the body are controlled by different chemicals of life in accordance to the various needs of body tissues. On this basis therefore, proteins in the body are usually found in different concentrations in various body tissues; in which they control a range of metabolic activities taking place in such tissues. For instance, a metabolic activity like oxygen supply in the body tissues by the blood requires a lot haemoglobin which a protein in nature. In this respect therefore, proteins would be of higher concentration in blood than in other body tissues which do not require proteins in their natural functioning (Taylor, 2005).
In the experiment that we performed, proteins concentrations in the different body tissues varied from one tissue to another. The experiment was conducted using both plant and animal tissues in which; all the tissues were tested for proteins to determine the level of protein concentration in the different tissues (Rupp, 1999).
The test for the proteins was performed using Biuret Test where different tissues from both plants and animals were tested for protein content. First we collected human blood tissue, the egg albumen, cooked bean seeds, cow meat from somatic organ, and epidermal tissues from plants. Afterwards, we put few drops of water in each test tube followed by 4 drops of 3 M Noah to each one. We finally added 2 drops of 1% CuSO4 and observed the results after shaking each test tube well (Kyte, 1995).
Results and Discussion
It was observed that, the suspension in the test tube turned from blue to purple after shaking the contents in them well. Further, we observed a significant difference in the deepness of the purple colour formed in the test tubes. We thereafter tabulated the results in the table below.
From the above table it can be observed that, human blood and egg albumen were having the highest level of protein concentration as shown by the deep purple colouration while tested for proteins. This was because of the metabolic activities taking place in such tissues which require a lot of proteins. For instance haemoglobin in blood which is protein in nature is very useful for the supply of oxygen to the other body tissues while the egg albumen contains high levels of DNA chains necessary for hereditary. More so, the bean seeds were found to be having higher protein concentration than stems’ epidermis from plants as the bean seeds have DNA molecules which are proteins naturally that are necessary for genetics (Gary & Brown, 2002).
From what we observed from the experiment, various tissues of both plants and animals vary in their protein concentration in which the concentrations were in most cases determined by the metabolic activities that usually take place in such tissues. For instance, the metabolic activities taking place in egg albumen were highly controlled by or involved proteins more than other somatic cells. More specifically, the egg cell contained a lot of DNA molecules which are naturally proteins; necessary for relaying genetic factors from the parents to the offsprings. From the general cell physiology, various cells from different body parts perform different metabolic activities where the chemicals of life involved in each activity also varies from one tissue to another. In this regard therefore, the difference in protein concentration in different tissues as observed was as a result of the difference in metabolism taking place in them (Bruce, Bray & Hopkin, 1999).
Generally, the concentration of proteins in various tissues as observed from the experiment was as a result of difference in the metabolism taking place various body tissues. In this regard, the activities which require high protein concentration usually leads to high levels of proteins in the tissues where such activities take place.
Reference list
Bruce, A., Bray, D. & Hopkin, K. (1999). Essential Cell Biology. New York: Prentice Hall Publishers.
Gary, C. & Brown, E. (2002). Modern Protein Chemistry: Practical Aspects. New York: Prentice Hall Publishers.
Kyte, J. (1995). Mechanism in Protein Chemistry. New York: Routledge Publishers.
Rupp, B. (1999). Bio-molecular Cryptography. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Taylor, D. (2005). Structure in Protein Chemistry, 2nd Edition. London: Rout ledge Publishers.
Williams, J. (2004). Physiochemical Properties of Proteins. New York: Prentice Hall Publishers.