The story depicts the events of the mountain biking in which the author has participated in a small group. During the Nepal hike, they have found the half-frozen practically naked Sadhu. It was a puzzle for them what he had done so far from the safety caravan routes, but this man needed help. The first who came across the Sadhu was the New Zealander. He transmitted the Sadhu to the narrator and continued his way. The Sadhu was clothed and he came to life, but the problem of what to do with him still existed.
No one of the climbers wanted to take responsibility upon himself, trying to shirk off the problem upon another. As a result, the Sadhu was left by the narrator, then by his friend Stephan. It is necessary to mention that Stephan, feeling the pang of conscience, has been trying to persuade the other members of the hiking to transmit the Sadhu either to the village or at least to the hub. Everyone refused, but the Sadhu was given food and drink.
Later on, the author describes the conversation between him and his friend Stephan. This dialog is one of the key dilemmas of the story. In spite of the fact that both of them have left the half-frozen man alone, Stephan feels the pangs of the conscience. Stephan thinks that if the Sadhu dies it will be their fault. On the contrary, the narrator tries to persuade Stephan that they have done their best.
Each member of the hiking did his bit. Somebody gave him food, another gave him clothes and so on. The narrator considered that they had been right leaving the Sadhu alone. He pointed out that the Sadhu would survive in any case, as he was strong enough to throw the stones into the dogs. However, both of them did not know whether the Sadhu would survive or not.
Frankly speaking, the position of the narrator surprised me. As for me, in such a situation I would help the Sadhu. Otherwise, I would feel my guilty and all my journey would be doomed by it.
With the passing of the years, the narrator contemplated again this episode. His attitude towards this event has changed. Several years ago, his actions seemed right and obvious for him. Now the ethical dilemma arises.
He asks himself why they have acted in this way, and came to the conclusion that the reason for it was the absence of a strong leader in their company. The leader who was able to take the responsibility upon himself. Moreover, he recognized that within their group there was no mutual understanding and support. They had no sense of purpose or plan (McCoy, 1997).
The narrator is an investment banker and he has made for himself certain lessons from this situation. He remembered Stephans attempts to help the Sadhu, but Stephan had lacked the support from the group. As well as in business, in the complex situation, the individual loses himself if there is no support from the group.
The narrator understands for himself that there is a difference between business ethics and the individual one. On the examples of huge corporations, he understands, that not always the interests of the whole company may be sacrificed for the sake of one person.
However, to help the Sadhu or not still remains a personal ethical dilemma and everyone should decide it for himself independently.
Reference List
McCoy, B. (1997). The Parable of the Sadhu. Web.