Based on SHAPE American National Standards for physical education, physical activities help children develop and maintain good health. The intention is to ensure the teachers prepare physically educated students with the right skills, knowledge, and confidence to enjoy a healthful lifestyle. However, based on the article, the chosen inappropriate teaching practice is exercise as punishment. It sounds right that every physical training teaching practice must emphasize the values of a certain activity for the body. When physical education becomes associated with punishment, it denies the learners the opportunity to value one. No longer are students engaged in social interaction, self-expression, challenge, and enjoyment as required in standard five of SHAPE standards.
Physical education brings into question activities that require sufficient movement among students to burn energy, and results in self-fulfillment from a sense of the student’s well-being. An example of such an activity is gymnastics, where students must use their strength, coordination, balance, agility, endurance, and dedication to burn energy. Standard five of the SHAPE standards requires that while students are engaged in gymnastics, they challenge their ability to endure the tests associated with physical activity. Social interaction and enjoyment must be part of the activity as well. However, when gymnastics is used as a form of punishment, students often do not enjoy it, and while social interaction might be present, the feeling is not mutual between the educator and the learner. Therefore, the exercise discourages the student from self-expressing themselves, and while it burns energy, it becomes counterproductive, with the student feeling humiliated.