The nurse practitioner’s work is vital in providing high-quality treatment for patients. Nurse practitioners can be considered as providers of medical services and as mediums between patients and clinicians, ensuring the ethical and educational aspects of care. The two last factors are connected primarily with achieving the highly-efficient communication with the patient. Through the gained experience, I enhanced my understanding of the concepts that can be applied in communication with different patients. The approach, as well as the educational strategies, may vary depending on age, nationality, and other factors. It is vital to implement the relevant particular case approaches to ensure efficient education for patients. Another valuable aspect of my experience is the work with my mentor. She provided me with the opportunity to develop assessment skills through the detailed analysis of particular cases. Woking with the practicing specialist allowed me to learn about the insights and difficulties of this profession. The mentor’s experience, which she shared with me, helped me match the theoretical knowledge and practice.
The most valuable experience I have gained is the knowledge of working with the representatives of different minorities. The nurse practitioner is the one to ensure the rights of protection, education, and equal treatment for patients of various religions and races. Such cases require profound communication knowledge and experience to build trustful relationships between medical providers and patients. This experience is highly relevant because it empowers me to work further in providing better healthcare services. Helping patients from different minority groups, especially those of Arabian origin, get high-quality treatment is one of my primary aims. Thus, the gained experience and knowledge allowed me to advance from both theoretical and practical perspectives in my physician assistant career.