The focal point of the paper is to present a summary of the article by Michael Pollan named Farmer in Chief published in The New York Times in October 12, 2008. The subject of the article is very relevant to the modern world and it is important to indicate such issues that are beneficial for the society as a whole. It can be stated that food, or rather, the price and abundance of it, may turn out to be one of the major concerns of America in the coming years. In order to combat this situation, the administration needs to make reformation of the entire food system one of its priorities. This is necessary not only to check the growing food prices but also for tackling other issues like health care crisis, energy independence and climate change.
At present, the disease aspect of human toll includes cancer and Type 2 diabetes along with stroke and heart disease. While the excess of cheap calorie food produced by the U.S. food system may have lowered food prices, it has taken its toll on the public health. It has been estimated that the food system is responsible for using fossil fuel and the amount is only second to automobiles and add to greenhouse gases by a significant amount. To solve these problems related to health, fuel and climate, significant changes in the food system are necessary.
The author uses logical arguments to address the problems related to food and food processing along with food consumption and indicates the dangers associated with it. In this context, he indicates that the government is also responsible for shifting to fossil fuel rather than put more emphasis on human energy or solar power. The author argues that most of the problems the food system faces today are because of its reliance on fossil fuels. What now needs to be done is to wring the oil out of the system and replace it with the energy of the sun. Re-solarizing the food system means building the infrastructure for a regional food economy, i.e. decentralizing the food system. Local distribution networks should be built to supply these markets. Most importantly, it will require a change in daily life which is caught up in the culture of fast food. Public awareness and proper education are necessary to create a change.
In a way, it should be stated that writer too, did a commendable job to convey the total work procedure of the issue from start to the present day situation with effective details of the work in progress along with its difficulties and obstacles. This is a truly excellent work. The writer not only understands the subject very well but the understanding is sound enough to make the general mass understand the details with easy use of language and terminology with complete fluency of the narration about the development phases of the environment and social development.
It can be stated that this article is a wonderful piece of text to understand the current events of environment related issues and the lucidity of the text makes it enjoyable to read. It is informative and assertive at the same time as there are no point of negative thoughts even in the face of failure or slowing down or delay of the sustainability of the work towards a greener and cleaner earth. The article is truly a piece of text that can popularize a difficult subject like environment science and it is recommended for every enthusiast of the subject.
Work Cited
Pollan, Michael; Farmer in Chief; The New York Times; 2008; Web.