Career preparation calls for an in-depth analysis of personal interests, strengths, performance, and future projections. Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to review the interests attached to financial services career at the J.P. Morgan’s Corporate & Investment Bank. Besides, the paper explores academic interests, life experiences, and special background and their inspiration on leadership in a financial services career at the J.P. Morgan’s Corporate & Investment Bank.
Career interest and preparation
Career preparations in the field of financial services may be in the form of setting stringent goals and objectives followed by well researched and qualitatively designed action plan organized within a stipulated span of time. Besides, a career tracker or a success criterion should follow up action plan as a tool for success review and adjustments when necessary (Craig 2007). Financial services career is very interesting, dynamic and has competitive remuneration. Specifically, launching a financial services career at the prestigious J.P. Morgan’s Corporate & Investment Bank is a ticket to career growth in the global financial industry.
In order to prepare for the financial services career, studying Business Management at degree level offers opportunities to fulfill optimal potential in the field of financial management. Through practical and simplified learning methods, this multidimensional career equips a student with extensive knowledge, experience, and practical life skills to handle diverse situations in the workplace and social environment. To strengthen personal capabilities, a student should acquire accounting information skills for managerial decisions making criterion (Coetzee 2006).
Through active involvement in the co curriculum activities, a financial career student can prepare for the framework that would guide in the personal conduct as a tool for developing and evaluating solutions to problems encountered within interaction with other employees. Thus, a student should prepare for the financial career demands and ability to balance various academic requirements with hobbies and interests.
Academic interests and life experiences in the financial career
The range of a collage sophomore academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences would impact a student’s problem solving skills, intra and interpersonal communication skills, and team working skills at skills and in the work environment. Having outstanding and consistent achievement in examinations re-affirms a natural aptitude for equation solving, informed logical thinking, and strong personalized decision making science (Levitt & Harwood 2009). Thus, a student will be able to actualize the passion for these analytical subjects and exercise personal development skills at work and in the learning environment.
The student should strive to build a stable, practically oriented, and qualitative problem solving criterion through learning and working life. Whenever a student encounters challenges in the course of pursuing group academic interests, problem solving skills will motivate her to comprehensively deal with these challenges in a rational quantitative approach as part of practicality aspect (Levitt & Harwood 2009). As a team, when she applies differential equations to models, she will find dynamic relationships in the proponents of business operational requirements for productivity and efficiency in a healthy team work environment (Levitt & Harwood 2009).
Special background and attributes like sportsmanship displays leadership skills of a collage sophomore student as an all round, proactive, and creative person (Kummerow 2000). These traits ensure that the potential J.P. Morgan’s Corporate & Investment Bank’s employee has the right knowledge, skills, and harmonious team player attitude necessary for career growth in the diverse work environment.
Coetzee, M. (2006). Career planning in the 21st Century. Harbin City, Australia: Juta and Company.
Craig, R. (2007). Personal balance sheet: A practical career planning guide. Ontario, LA: Knowledge to Action Press.
Kummerow, J. (2000). New directions in career planning and the workplace. California, Ca: Davies-Black.
Levitt, G., & Harwood, L. (2009).Your career: How to make it happen. Alabama, Al: Cengage Learning.