The following is an assessment of two functional health patterns (Cognitive/perceptual and Self-perception/self-concept) of the community known as Alamosa in Colorado (USA).
In Alamosa County, most residents use the English language in their homes while communicating with their family and friends/neighbors. However, there are those who speak other languages at home but when it comes to a social gathering, they mainly use the English language. This, therefore, means that the communication barrier is not an issue in Alamosa County.
The current number of students in college in Alamosa County is 1, 945. 82.6% of the people living in Alamosa who are 25years and above have high school degree while those who are 25years and above who hold a bachelors degree are 27.0%. According to the United States census of 2009, 85 percent of the population aged 25years and above have a high school diploma while only 28 percent of the population holds a bachelor’s degree.
There are different educational offers in Alamosa County. There, are in-services, GED and continuing education. Valley Educators Credit Union and Volunteer Coordinator and Community Educator are examples of educational services offered in Alamosa County. These services are offered yearly. Special education programs are also offered in the county to enable those who are emotionally and physically challenged to get an education.
Few people have access to computers and the internet due to poverty in the region (Stern 2000). The government of Alamosa offers scholarship programs for students who have potential but are not in a position to continue with their studies due to a lack of funds.
The city of Alamosa is mainly made up of young people with the median age of the population being 28years. Alamosa came to be a city after the establishment of the rail center in 1878 when Denver and Rio Grande Railroad was established (Gannett 2005). There are volunteer programs in Alamosa County which help in keeping the streets clean by collecting garbage (Maurer & Smith 2009). They also help in tree trimming, cleaning of public toilets, watering flowers around the city center, and plant flowers in different locations. These volunteer programs have ensured that Alamosa County is clean and tidy (Camille & Julie 2009). The activities that strengthen and unite the community in Alamosa are golf and pool clubs and social building groups.
Camille, R. & Julie, S. (2009). Educational Attainment in the United States. Minnesota: Lerner Publications.
Gannett, H. (2005). The Origin and History of Alamosa. New York: Prentice hall.
Maurer, F., & Smith, C. (2009). Community/Public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations. Saunders: St. Louis.
Stern, N. (2000). Technology: Use of Computers and Internet in United States. New York: Digital Press.