The film Funeral Paradise of Roses was directed by Toshio Matsumoto and released in 1969. The Japanese drama film has been used to educate the audience about various issues experienced in society. For instance, the film portrays politics and Tokyo’s representation in the late 1960s. The film is based on Oedipus Rex Myth and focuses on people’s challenges in society.
How the Film Portrays Politics
Politics have been depicted in the film by exploring Eddie’s life and the community of the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. The film portrays how many political issues in the contemporary world involve sexualities. For instance, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT) have been impacted by political movements. The political fervor of the movie also challenges the audience to focus on their identity.
Something about Tokyo in the Late 1960s that I wish I could Understand Better
After watching the film, I wish I could better understand how society viewed homosexuality. The film has shown how homosexuals interacted and engaged in sexual acts. Consequently, I would like to know how LGBT interacted with other individuals and their challenges. Excessive use of psychoactive drugs is another common issue in many cities. Therefore, I can ensure that I understand how alcohol impacted people’s lives in Tokyo since the film has revealed that many people consumed alcohol. The rivalry between Eddie and Leda is steered by their differences, where their looks and personalities contrast. Therefore, individuals need to understand how differences such as race, culture, and religion impacted people’s relationships in the community.
A Question about Any Aspect of the Film
Based on the film Funeral Paradise of Roses, one can note that the drama film has focused on different issues experienced in Japan. Therefore, the question is, why is Funeral Paradise of Roses a landmark of Japanese queer cinema? The point is being analyzed to show how the film industry has evolved. Moreover, individuals can learn how movies’ changes have enabled individuals to use different themes such as politics to address issues being experienced in society.