Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina Essay (Article)

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Letter to Grand Duchess Christina is a powerful source of information that can be used for as well as against Galileo. The conflict that takes place between the author and the representatives of conservative and moderate groups is the result of the impossibility to find a consensus and provide both parties with the ability to listen, speak, and share information.

For example, the conservatives cannot depart from the strict rules and principles supported by the Church, and Galileo cannot stay apart and tries to introduce the reasons of why it is wrong to believe that theology is the only queen of all sciences. The desire of the conservatives to protect the ideas offered by the Council of Trent and Galileo’s attempt to explain why Trent’s instructions may be wrongly interpreted or introduced.

In spite of the desire to advance Galileo’s points of view, it is not enough to rebut the conservatives’ argument concerning the role of Trent in society; it is more important to collect all ideas, expectations, and knowledge and explain the priorities of a new philosophy introduced by Galileo not as a contradiction to the conservatives but as an attempt to offer an innovation.

Being the representatives of a new wave of ideas, the Linceans continue being good Catholics, attending church on a regular basis, and respecting the rights of all people.

At the same time, such preferences do not create the obstacles to oppose to any kind of authority (including the religious representatives) and understand that Galileo’s position does have a point. It is high time to stop believing in the power of Trent only. It is time to get free and open human minds to some new unique information. Such choices should not be the reason of the heretic claims.

Nowadays, some people are in need of additional help and guidance. It is not a shame to follow someone’s statements. Still, any kind of following the orders should have a reason and be characterized by a personal desire and clear evaluation. It is not a shame to believe in Galileo as many Linceans do as well as it is not a shame to stay loyal to the church but try to let something new into a life.

Of course, some challenges may take place; still, they may be solved or even overcome. Sometimes people just need a hope to realize that there is something poorly understood. Galileo explains that some contradictions or propositions, which are far from the truth, may be introduced in the Bible. And it is not a mistake. It is the power of belief that runs human lives nowadays. The nature should also have the right to be properly introduced to society.

Galileo does not want to resist the Church, just to explain that all decisions should have their own grounds and proofs. People should be provided with a chance to evaluate the reality using their own knowledge and understanding of the matter.

If men continue doubting or become unable to use their potential, they simply waste their time and the time of those men, who continue searching for the truth. This is why Galileo wants to believe, this is what the majority of the Linceans tries to believe, and this is what has to be introduced (not imposed!) to society with the ability to choose and decide.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 6). Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina.

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"Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina." IvyPanda, 6 May 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina'. 6 May.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina." May 6, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina." May 6, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Galileo Affair in Letter to Grand Duchess Christina." May 6, 2020.

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