Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare Essay

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The article “Multi-Ethnic Minority Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice of Genetics and Genomics” is the documentation of a research study conducted within the boundaries of genomics in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to establish the integration of genomics into nursing. This concerned the extent of such integration by minority nurses. Specifically, it involved the study of beliefs and traditions that are primary in the integration of genomics information. The article acknowledged the contribution of exploratory studies that have gone a long way in providing information concerning this subject. The study research sought to solve the problem of understanding the educational gaps that exist within minority nurse populations.

The study involved a cross-sectional survey that concerned nurses operating under the mandates of the (NCEMNO) National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Organizations. About the investigation, two phases were employed in data collection. An online survey tool was used to manipulate the study sample. Twenty-seven nurses were featured in the first stage of the survey while three hundred and eighty-nine respondents participated in the Sixty-three survey. The first phase was used to determine the suitability of the survey tool while the main survey led to the collection of the desired data. The survey was specific to the subject of genomics. The determinants studied in this matter included information, beliefs, and traditions that characterize the practice of minority nurses. An important consideration was the fact that these participants hailed from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the results of this study. Nevertheless, chi-square tests were used to manipulate data surrounding comparative responses.

Through this study, interesting findings were made concerning the aspect of genomics in nursing practice. First, a large number of respondents were well educated. Forty percent of the participants had postgraduate degrees. Additionally, forty-two percent of the respondents were active nursing practitioners. Most of the respondents were favorably disposed to genomics education (Coleman, 2014). About this, they believed in the significance of the subject to the application of nursing principles. More than ninety percent of the respondents linked family health history to the identification of potential risks along the lines of personal health. Sixty-three percent of these respondents acknowledged the importance of family history within the context of nursing practice. Eighty-five of the study participants were competent on matters about the tracing of individual family histories. On the other hand, fifty percent of the respondents believed that they had a weak grip on the aspect of genomic education. Finally, eighty-four percent of the respondents were connected to the facet of genomics in respect of the educative role of their various ethnic minority organizations.

To conclude, many respondents valued the importance of genomics. However, this occurred in the face of limited knowledge concerning the discipline. The study revealed the deep interest that existed among the minority nurses about genomics education. This was surrounded by the important role played by ethnic minority organizations in the empowerment of nurses within the context of genomics education. The study gave evidence that highlighted the importance of advancing genomics knowledge to improve nursing practice.


The article had clinical relevance concerning the subject of genomics. Genomics is an important issue that affects the quality and efficiency of nursing practice (Simpson, 2006). Through this, the application of clinical principles is used to establish the risk factors that are attributable to the development of health conditions in patients. In nursing, genomics applies to the study of individual health histories in treating chronic diseases (Burton, 2007). Such records are usually traceable along family lines. The improvement of nursing rests upon the professional concern to educate nurses about genomics and its application to their career practice (Guttmacher, 2001). The basis of this understanding lies with the ability to address issues attributable to the nursing deficits that currently exist. The upside of enhancing genomics education is the possible improvement of patient outcomes in the field of nursing.

The article presented interesting facts. It provided adequate evidence to substantiate its claims. The effectiveness of nursing practice is contingent on various determinants. First, genomics education is a confounding factor affecting the pursuit of nursing goals. Genomic education is still in its infancy. Many nurses are interested in genomics education. However, approaching this goal is difficult because of the limited availability of necessary resources. Beliefs are also relevant to nursing practice (Leninger, 1994). Concerning this, personal convictions shape the attitudes of nurses. The fact that many respondents favored the aspect of genomics education meant that this subject was relevant to clinical practice. The integration of genetics into nursing is critical to the establishment of disease prevention programs. The outcomes of such involvement would mean better health care in modern clinical practice. Nevertheless, the downside presented by this integration concerns the aspect of patient insurance. Insurance discrimination is an imminent threat presented by the advancement of genomics in clinical practice (Ellerin, 2005). Additionally, the article expressed the correlation that exists between higher education and prolonged periods of nursing practice. Most highly experienced nurses are well educated within the confines of nursing principles.

Based on my personal evaluation of this article, I would recommend it to other students. The specificity of the information is notable. This concerns the significance of genomics in health care. Information was presented in an organized manner and implicated important participants in modern health care systems. Nurses play a big role in the advancement of medical interests among human populations. In my clinical practice, I would acknowledge the significance of genomic knowledge in the establishment of preventive medical programs. Critically, the article stimulates knowledge-based curiosity concerning the subject of genomics education.


Burton, P. R., Clayton, D. G., Cardon, L. R., Craddock, N., Deloukas, P., Duncanson, A.,…& Todd, J. A. (2007). Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls. Nature,447(7145), 661-678.

Coleman, B., Calzone, K. A., Jenkins, J., Paniagua, C., Rivera, R., Hong, O. S.,…& Bonham, V. (2014). Multi‐Ethnic Minority Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice of Genetics and Genomics. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(4), 235-244.

Ellerin, B. E., Schneider, R. J., Stern, A., Toniolo, P. G., &Formenti, S. C. (2005). Ethical, legal, and social issues related to genomics and cancer research: the impending crisis. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2(11), 919-926.

Guttmacher, A. E., Jenkins, J., &Uhlmann, W. R. (2001). Genomic medicine: who will practice it? A call to open arms. American journal of medical genetics, 106(3), 216-222.

Leninger, M. (1994). Transcultural nursing. Nursing Education: An International Perspective, 207.

Simpson, R. L. (2006). Genomics meets nursing practice. Nursing Management, 37(12), 31-33.

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IvyPanda. (2022, June 10). Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare.

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"Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare." IvyPanda, 10 June 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare'. 10 June.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare." June 10, 2022.

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