Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Essay

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Reflection is one of the most valuable procedures for realizing one’s strengths and weaknesses as a professional. It provides an opportunity to recognize experiences gained during the course of study and to use them effectively to improve future performance. Therefore, this reflection essay will provide an analysis of the knowledge gained during Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program for DNP-XXX (Enter the Course #). A valuable aspect of this reflection is considered set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (American Associations of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). American Association of College of Nursing (2012) highlights that “academic nursing is moving toward a new model and framework for nursing education using a competency-based approach” (para. 1). They provide the basis for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree and their implementation into medical practice.

As part of this reflective journal, an examination of how the experiences in the attended course provided an opportunity to attain the core competencies of the AACN will be conducted. The core competencies will include Scientific Underpinnings for Practice, Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking, and Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes. They were highlighted because they provided the most valuable insight to absorb and presented the greatest challenge to study. Moreover, they can be considered the most powerful in the practice of nursing because they provide the opportunity to achieve the most successful outcomes for both health professionals and patients. A variety of approaches, resources, and strategies have been used to achieve the learning objectives of the course. The necessity for their application is that they provided the opportunity for the deepest and best assimilation of nursing practice.


In taking Grand Canyon University’s DNP-XXX, students were given the opportunity to recognize the seriousness and necessity of their future professional practice. The study of the essentials highlighted in this paper revealed personal strengths and weaknesses that require alteration in order to achieve the greatest effectiveness and efficiency in Doctor of Nursing Practice. In addition, they facilitated the use and appreciation of additional resources for more optimal learning outcomes. Moreover, they provided a more detailed understanding of what goes into the profession and what aspects are most valuable to achieve the best quality healthcare.

Therefore, this Reflective Journal will analyze the three competencies highlighted by the AANC. Each one highlights a particular aspect of the work of medical professionals, revealing important new indicators of their practice. It is also worth noting that this journal is an exploration of personal learning experiences as a doctoral learner pursuing life-long learning. In addition, completing Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program was one of the most challenging and yet most rewarding experiences. It exceeded all possible expectations of the course and contributed to the greatest development and growth as a nursing practice professional. The following is a reflection on the essentials that aligned with what was learned in the course

Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice

The first essential, which within this reflection becomes the most valuable, is scientific underpinnings for practice. In other words, it implies that all practice should be supported by evidence-based research (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). Therefore, it refers to any decision-making processes, implementation of practices, prescribing treatments, and patient care (Kim et al., 2020). This is due to the fact that in this way, medical professionals can achieve the greatest efficiency and success in medical outcomes.

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing provides more detailed and organized information regarding this essential component of medical professional practice. The component that has become the most important part of the course has been the study of new and innovative practices. This is due to the fact that at the moment there is a large variety of them, among which it is necessary to find the most useful ones. This requires the study of various sources, which are based on multiple experimental and non-experimental studies that prove that technology can be effectively used in medical practice.

The aspect that has attracted the most interest has been the fact that this item includes not only scientific proof of the success and productivity of a particular medical practice. The ethical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences also play an important role in this item. Thus, the multifaceted knowledge that nurses must possess is emphasized. The need for this kind of awareness is that nurses work directly with patients and their loved ones. Therefore, they must be aware of the importance of ethical standards and the consequences of violating them. Moreover, of particular interest is the importance of psychological skills in working with people in order to ensure the most favorable climate in the medical institution and to achieve the best results.

Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking

This essential practice of a medical specialist has become one of the most difficult to apply in practice. This problem occurred due to the fact that leadership skills require careful study and use not only in the professional and educational sphere but also in everyday life. This is due to the fact that leadership is a critical component of the work of a Doctor of Nursing since this activity implies teamwork and organization of activities to achieve effective results (Huber, 2017). Moreover, these qualities are necessary for a faster and more productive decision-making process. Worth noting. That despite the difficulties in the practice of organizational and system leadership, achieving the goals set within this competence becomes a significant improvement in terms of personal characteristics. In addition, this aspect provides an opportunity to improve the quality of services provided and the work of the staff of the medical institution. Within the framework of Grand Canyon University’s DNP-XXX program, various tools and methods of working with data were provided, which, despite their complexity, became an excellent opportunity to improve the process of analysis, interpretation, and implementation of information that is within the competence of Doctor of Nursing.

Essential VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

Collaboration has one of the most important places in the provision of health services. The quality and effectiveness of the results of care and the construction of a favorable workplace depend on this aspect of the activities of doctors and nurses. That is why this essential was of particular interest for studying within the framework of the course. It provided an understanding of what techniques and strategies can be used to unite the team and ensure productive communication. The interaction of medical professionals has many advantages, one of which is the possibility of joint decision-making regarding the choice of treatment for patients (House & Havens, 2017). This is due to the fact that several points of view and alternatives are being explored simultaneously, which will provide the best choice to satisfy both the patient and the medical organization.

A study of this competency concluded that establishing a supportive workplace in a health care setting has many benefits. Research stated that “interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration have become important components of a well-functioning healthcare system, all the more so given limited financial resources, aging populations, and comorbid chronic diseases” (Karam et al., 2018, p. 70). Therefore, this section provided the greatest excitement, as it focused on the criticality of building relationships not only among employees but also doctors and nurses with patients and their loved ones. When this connection is provided, an improvement in population healthcare outcomes can occur.


In conclusion, Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program provided students with the opportunity to significantly improve their professional and personal skills and characteristics for further successful work in a medical institution. This reflection showed that despite some difficulties that arose during the training, the course made a significant contribution to the formation and consolidation of new vital knowledge and ways of working. Thus, this reflection also came to the conclusion that competencies outlined in the AACN’s Essentials are critical for studying for all students who strive to become Doctors of Nursing or other medical specialists. Among the main essentials that were highlighted as part of the course, the value of collaboration, organizational and system collaboration, and scientific underlining for practice were of particular importance.


American Association of College of Nursing. (2012). . Web.

House, S., & Havens, D. (2017). . JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(3), 165-171. Web.

Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and nursing care management-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Karam, M., Brault, I., Van Durme, T., & Macq, J. (2018). . International Journal of Nursing Studies, 79, 70-83. Web.

Kim, M., Mallory, C., & Valerio, T. (2020). Statistics for evidence-based practice in nursing. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 18). Grand Canyon University's Doctor of Nursing Practice Program.

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"Grand Canyon University's Doctor of Nursing Practice Program." IvyPanda, 18 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Grand Canyon University's Doctor of Nursing Practice Program'. 18 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Grand Canyon University's Doctor of Nursing Practice Program." May 18, 2024.

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