The selected illness is schizophrenia, and three sites can be used for patient education such as Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support, a support group, WebMD, and Mayo Clinic. The critical components that I used to evaluate the sites are the owners, mission, references, and information review (NIH, 2022). Websites and social media platforms should make it straightforward for users to know who controls the site and its material. The Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance, for instance, developed the support group in partnership with Inspire, an online community that provides help for a range of health issues (Inspire, n.d.). WebMD is the most trusted and up-to-date source of health and medical news and information. According to WebMD (n.d.), the WebMD Medical Team collaborates with over one hundred countrywide doctors and health experts across a wide range of specializations to guarantee WebMD’s information is updated, reliable, and valuable to health. Mayo Clinic Staff verifies the information published on the Mayo Clinic website, and the names of the medical specialists are mentioned (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). Additionally, the website explicitly states that it does not provide diagnosis or treatment; it is only for educational purposes.
The benefits of WebMD are that it mentions the author’s name and the person who medically reviewed the information. For example, the schizophrenia article was authored by Shaw (2021) and medically evaluated by Neha Pathak. Moreover, there are possibilities to subscribe and sign in to receive the latest information on selected issues. I did not identify any improvements needed because WebMD is beneficial. After all, it ensures that the user gets the required information. Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support group’s advantages are that the user can browse community topics easily, start a post, and connect with other group members. Nonetheless, the limitation is that anyone who signed up can create posts, and the information reliability may be questioned. The improvement needed is to medically review each post before it is published and filter for sensitive information that may harm users. Mayo Clinic provides vital data for patients; the limitation is that some articles like the one selected about schizophrenia do not mention the authors’ names. Hence, the advancement required is to add medical professionals’ information after the article’s header. Essentially, the selected websites, including the support group, serve diverse and difficult-to-reach populations because they are free, easily found by Google search, and explain severe mental issues like schizophrenia in an accessible way.
Inspire. (n.d.). Schizophrenia & psychosis support.
Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Meet out medical editors.
NIH. (2022). How to evaluate health information on the internet: Questions and answers.
Shaw, G. (2021).Schizophrenia: How to ask for help.
WebMD. (n.d.). Who we are?