Healthy People 2030 refers to the country’s ten-year plan for addressing the most critical public health priorities as well as challenges. Accomplishing the objectives set in the plan needs setting, working toward, and attaining various more particular goals (Brach & Harris, 2021).
For instance, achieving healthy, thriving lives and wellness free of disability, preventable illness, premature death, and injury. It aims to eradicate medical differences and establish health equity and literacy to better the well-being of every individual. Additionally, it targets building physical, social, and economic surroundings that foster attaining the entire potential for health and wellness for all (Brach & Harris, 2021). Lastly, it targets to engage key constituents, leadership, and the public across several areas to take action and design guidelines that better the health and wellness of everyone.
Mini-Gap Analysis using the QI Essentials Toolkit
Currently, I face the problem of low levels of physical activity caused by a busy daily schedule, which is an opportunity to improve. It has been established that inadequate physical activity can result in heart illness, even for individuals without any risk factors. It can as well increase the probability of developing other heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. According to the toolkit, the goal set is that in the next two months, I will have reached a level where I can exercise three or four times per week, as seen in figure 1. The gap and root cause of this problem is the inadequacy of information about the importance of physical exercise and its impact on an individual’s health (Brach & Harris, 2021).
To improve the health behavior, the plan is to ensure that I start my day one-hour earlier than before, which allows for exercise. To ensure that the progress is monitored, data will be collected through reviewing body weight and height-to-weight ratio to determine if I am on the right path.

Brach, C., & Harris, L. M. (2021). Healthy People 2030 health literacy definition tells organizations: Make information and services easy to find, understand, and use. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(4), 1084-1085.