Health promotion has become imperative in the control and prevention of diseases. The concept of integrating health promotion in all aspects of life has been informed by the high prevalence of diseases and conditions that are preventable. The creation of a healthy lifestyle has developed tremendously in the last few decades as observed in the process of maintaining health and delivery of quality healthcare. The social and economic impacts of these conditions are enormous to the family and other countries, particularly in the developed world. In this essay, a review of the literature of three journals will be put in perspective with a view of knowing the definition of health promotion, and the roles of the nurses in the overall implementation program.
Health promotion can be defined using several definitions depending on the contextual application in nursing. In Richard et al (2008) article, health promotion is regarded as the measures put in place to ensure that individuals are cushioned against receiving injuries or various debilitating conditions. With regard to this, interventions and other preventive measures are put in place to safeguard the well-being of elderly persons. In fact, the researchers set to assess the level of utilization of primary prevention in several community settings where elderly individuals are catered for using theoretical approaches. In their article, Mao and Anastasi (2010) discuss the vital role and implications of the diagnosis and the overall management of endometriosis in women. As part of the nurses’ role, the researchers acknowledge the useful roles played by advanced nursing practice in the overall prevention and mitigation of the occurrence of terrible effects.
Health promotion thereby focuses on providing adequate diagnostic measures coupled with treatment procedures aimed at curtailing the progress of a disease. In this case, the researchers devise activities that ensure there is a reduction in severity. Bouman et al (2008) look at the effects that home visiting programs would offer in terms of health-related measures to individuals suffering from terminal or debilitating conditions. The majority of these conditions are untreatable thus occasioning the need to offer palliative care coupled with emotional support. Using random controlled trials, the researchers try to understand the impact emotional and psychosocial support activities have on bettering the lives and health of terminally ill persons. According to the article, health promotion refers to those interventions directed to sick individuals with the aim of checking the occurrence of complications and deterioration of the overall health of the patients.
Purpose in nursing practice
Nursing practice has evolved greatly in the last few decades whereby nurses have become more involved in the management of the patients. In view of the change in the preferences of patients and advancements in technology, nursing practice has transformed to accommodate cultural practices, technology, and more professionalism (Bouman et al, 2008). The intertwining of disease causation with economic and social life has occasioned the nurses to act as important avenues in providing guidance and instilling knowledge on disease causation to individuals. Health promotion has therefore become useful in breaking the disease causation cycle (Mao & Anastasi, 2010). Nurses are also bolstered thus enabling them to disseminate information on patients and utilize evidence-based practices that offer lasting impacts on diseases prevention and management. More importantly, nursing practice is enhanced since the nurses receive useful tips on the approach and information to be disseminated to the individuals and at which stage of the disease.
Roles and responsibilities
A paradigm shift has taken place in the nursing profession in terms of responsibilities according to the nurses. Due to their close interaction with the patients, the nurses’ responsibilities have soared to accommodate emotional and psychological support to patients. Moreover, nurses have become more involved in palliative care and offering culturally competent care. In this regard, nurses remain the major avenue that will ensure the success of health promotion due to the immense time they spend with the patients (Richard et al, 2008)
Implementing health promotion
Nursing roles cut across all vital processes offered in healthcare facilities thereby bringing into fore specialization in various fields. Improvement in the curriculums and training has equipped the nurses with vital and immense knowledge that enhances their capabilities to advise and share vital information at any level and setting. Their holistic training and exposure give them an edge over other health professionals since they are equipped with communication skills and the basics of disease etiology.
Health promotion aims to lower the risks, the occurrence of disease, and lessen the complications occasioned by the diseases. All three levels of health promotion aim to lower the number of suffering patients undergo. In addition, the three levels involve actions that are overly directed in ensuring the recipients of the information are empowered through the acquisition of vital skills. The individuals are thus empowered to influence their actions towards achieving healthy living hence reorienting the healthcare services delivery.
Health promotion in nursing has therefore played a crucial role in enhancing their responsibilities and shaping the profession. In fact, health promotion has become an integral component of the nursing profession as espoused in the reviewed articles and thus the need to strategies on ways of integrating it into overall health programs.
Reference list
Bouman, A., Rossum, E., Ambergen, T., Kempen,G. & Knipschild, P. (2008). Effects of a Home Visiting Program for Older People with Poor Health Status: A Randomized, Clinical Trial in the Netherlands. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 56, 397–404.
Mao, A. & Anastasi, K. (2010). Diagnosis and management of endometriosis: The role of the advanced practice nurse in primary care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22, 109–116.
Richard, L., Gauvin, L., Gosselin, C., Ducharme, F., Sapinski, J. & Trudel, S. (2008). Integrating the ecological approach in health promotion for older adults: a survey of programs aimed at elder abuse prevention, falls prevention, and appropriate medication use. International Journal of Public Health, 53, 46–56.