The book by Vedantam explores the peculiarities of people’s brain and the way they act. The author notes that a lot of features of character are determined by people’s unconscious minds. Individuals make decisions based on their unconsciousness, and these decisions shape numerous spheres of people’s life. Healthcare is one of the most important spheres where people’s behavior can have numerous outcomes.
In the first place, the author explains the idea which is in the core of the system of healthcare. Thus, it is stated that people’s unconscious brain makes them save themselves as well as others (Vedantam, 2010). In other words, people long for saving somebody else, and this is one of the basic principles of healthcare in any society.
Admittedly, healthcare is the sphere where people save other people’s lives. Importantly, a human’s life is highly valued. For me, it was sometimes a big question of why other people wanted to save lives. The author reveals a plausible explanation to that question. People simply need to feel they can save others. Perhaps, this helps them feel they are stronger than nature itself, or they simply feel they become more complete.
It is also important that the author mentions an important principle. People are more eager to help those they know about. The example of saving a dog is very suggestive (Vedantam, 2010).
This principle is important for healthcare as well. Thus, healthcare professionals are often blamed for being rather indifferent to patients’ personal needs, and they are often inconsiderate. It is noteworthy that those people are saving lives, and they have to focus on their fight against death so that they may be a bit indifferent.
However, nurses can be more understanding and empathetic. This is quite easy as a person is eager to save somebody he/she knows well. I believe both the patient and the nurse have to be aware of this principle. They should move towards each other telling stories about themselves. They will be able to build trust. People unconscious mind makes people closer when they know each other.
At the same time, it is clear that people are still hostages of certain prejudice. The author explains that people’s unconscious mind makes them behave in specific ways. Thus, a nurse can feel somewhat hostile to a patient who has a different cultural background or vice versa. People’s unconscious mind makes them divide everybody into groups and be hostile to some of these groups.
Nevertheless, any hostility can be avoided or, at least, minimized if there is diversity among healthcare professionals. People having similar unconscious minds can be more trustful to each other. This principle should become one of the strategies in the development of the healthcare system.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the book has helped me understand that there are some laws people can never break as this is their nature. Nonetheless, I believe it is possible to become a better person and build a better society if people are aware of those laws and principles.
Unconscious mind shapes our behavior, but we can be ready to use this. I know that saving people is in people’s bones, and this can be utilized to develop an effective healthcare system. Being attentive and empathetic to each other can help patients go through their hardships, and healthcare professionals do their job.
Works Cited
Vedantam, S. (2010). The hidden brain: How our unconscious minds elect presidents, control markets, wage wars, and save our lives. New York, NY: Spiegel & Grau.