Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job Essay

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The most crucial part of acquiring a job is the interview process. There are quite a number of questions that a person will be asked at the interview, which he or she must answer in an accurate and timely manner.

The purpose of the interview is to establish whether the company is hiring the right person to perform a job. The interview normally comes following an application letter that has been sent by the person aspiring to be inducted into the company. Following these basic steps, will help to determine a person’s ability to beat other interviewees.

One must always have proficient knowledge on the company. This means that a person has to have all the information about the company accessible through research. It is also extremely beneficial to dress appropriately when going for an interview.

The individual has to find out the nature of dressing that may be required of its employees. One particularly useful thing to remember is to carry a copy of your resume, as well as your portfolio and samples of your work. Assuming that the copy that you sent to the panel is sufficient will not do. It also makes you appear considerate.

It is also particularly relevant to make firm handshakes with the interview panel members in case they reach out to greet you physically. This is very significant since it demonstrates self-assurance, which will go a long way in assuring the members that they are dealing with a confident individual. One may also make direct eye contact with the people at the company.

You may sit on a chair only when invited to do so by the members of the panel. Not all interviews are done while seated as much as there may be a chair that is free. You must always sit in an upright position and remain calm at all times. Try to avoid talking with hand gestures and various bodily movements since it may make you appear anxious. Body language speaks a lot and many interviewing board members look out for tell tale signs of anxiety.

When answering questions that have been asked, it is always important to try to avoid gap filling words like “uh” and “you know” since it is necessary to appear eloquent and fluent when speaking. It will be much better to take a second or two in order to draw together your opinion before answering a question. This demonstrates a person’s ability to make an informed decision.

It is also very pertinent to be aware of the answers that you give to the panel. Quite a number of questions are standard operating procedure when it comes to interviews. You must be able to determine the common questions and go through them properly.

Quite a number of guides are available that can help a person when he or she is going for an interview. They may be accessed on the internet or in bookstores. Learning the standard rules that are always applicable when going for an interview helps prepare a person for the process.

It may get the person prepared and help him, or her to become the most suitable candidate for the available position. Although the questions are not always the same since various companies have different interests, following these rules will go a long way in assisting a person to get the job that he or she applied.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 20). Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job.

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"Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job'. 20 November.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job." November 20, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job." November 20, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Interview: How to Get Hired for a Job." November 20, 2018.

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