An individual is defined by his/her personality traits, therefore whatever your personality is that’s who you are. Additionally, a person’s personality is mainly influenced by those he/she perceives as mentors or in some cases some past or present life experience.
However, personality cannot be conclusively based on these aspects because there other underlying factors that will define your personality as will be observed in the article. Each day people tend to assess others based on their personality has resulted in establishments of various theories that try to explain why some traits of personality development in the first place. Therefore, what is personality? Personality can be defined as a model of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that is self-motivated and is mainly influenced by an individual’s cognition, motivation, and emotions.
These characteristics of personality are the ones that make everyone unique, this means that the different things that you do will define your uniqueness, such as the way you drive, laugh, walk, talk and eat are all defining aspects of your unique personality. In this article, you will understand the core elements of personality and how they influence our daily life and also the future.
Personality is mainly perceived as to integrate various factors and explains various factors in an individual. Therefore, personality will explain why in normal cases every person reacts differently to a similar condition. When the different person came across an abusive person you will find out that one will start hauling back abusive words to the individual but the other will just distance himself from them or in some cases try to stop them from insulting each other. Additionally, personality also explains the consistency of behavior. This means that based on the individual’s personality it is easy to predict what will happen when they come across a certain condition.
However, other people are not consistent in behavior and tend to react to a situation based on why it affects them or how they perceive it. In this case, the personality of the individual cannot be clearly defined because it is shown that they have a weak personality which lacks some aspects of personality to make it integrated. Lastly, personality helps an individual mold his future by reflecting on the past. Lost personality means that an individual does not know himself, what he wants, and where he/she is headed, and the result will be to seek medical attention since it will become a health risk for this individual’s life.
The mood is the determining factor in every personality domain. Therefore, all the personality domains that include motivation, emotions, and traits are all correlated to mood. The mood is defined in two aspects which both define one’s personality. Therefore, by studying these two variable aspects of mood it will be clearly understood that mood plays a great role in defining your personality in various ways. Additionally, mood plays a great role in defining one’s character which in the end defines the destiny of an individual.
For example, if individuals do not take keen observations on what he thinks the result will become what he will speak and determine the actions. Furthermore, the action will lead to habits and later to character, then this will become the destiny of the individual. Therefore, from this deduction, it is evident that personality is molded by the individual and consequently the same individual can change his personality.
The two vital aspects of mood are defined as valence and arousal, which include pleasantness and unpleasantness and, emotions both activated and deactivated. Therefore, when valence is defined it is understood that various emotions that are either positive or negative fall in this category, and they are perceived as a huge determinant of your personality traits. However, both core aspects of mood work hand in hand in determining an individual personality based on the circumstance he is faced with, such as when an individual is on a high or low mood and the shift between these mood times.
Motivation is a fundamental element that will define the personality of an individual based on what he perceives as an incentive to portray certain aspects of himself. As with the case in mood, motivation has two variables associated with it. For example, if an individual perceives a certain situation to be favorable to achieve his goal, the result will be very positive and change his personality to be more adaptive and friendly to the situation.
This can happen if a friend is more supportive or there is a law that has been enacted that favors his endeavors. This aspect of motivation is termed as a behavioral approach system and plays a great role in defining the personality of an individual. However, it should be noted that it offers an advantage for the individual to be more productive and to be morally upright. Additionally, those people who involve themselves in a venture that is considered risk-taking is mainly due to positive motivation aspects, therefore an approach-related behavior.
On the other hand, other motivations offer negative aspects to an individual’s personality and are referred to as avoidance system. Therefore, how you will think, feel, and react to those negative aspects and the reaction is what will define the personality of the individual. In most cases, when faced in such a situation most people try to justify that it, as a result, another person doing thus not looking at the real cause of the matter.
However, it important to note that, whatever may come your way whether positive or negative the determining factor to the personality will be solely based on how you will evaluate the issue, the thoughts, and action is taken. Furthermore, those people who fear to engage themselves in any venture that would otherwise be termed as a risky venture are faced with a behavioral avoidance system and it is mainly affected by negative social mood.
Traits That Define Personality
Personality traits are very broad and mainly determines one’s engagement in the feeling and ideas of the external world and personal ones, however, the most fundamental ones are engagement and self-control. An individual who is open to experience is considered to have the personality traits of engagement, which is related to positive affects. Some of the traits that entail engagement include happiness, curiosity, and energy.
As much as engagement trait encompasses positive effect, self-control includes both negative and positive and depends on the order of self-control. An individual who has a high order of self-control will be more emotionally stable which is positive affect, however, if low order self-control is involved the opposite will happen, resulting in negative affect.