Impact of “Ignite Your Power…” by Eric Thomas Essay (Book Review)

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This essay focuses on the book Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose & Your Why You Owe You by Eric Thomas. There is power in personal perception of who they are, which is the book’s storyline. The author says the book is for the audience who wants to achieve greatness. Thomas stands as a motivational speaker who feels it is important to guide others about journeys that are purposed to make someone greater than before. The author says he has mentored many people who stuck to their pathways by following his advisory guidelines. At one point, he says “Being successful is also about knowing that the only person in the way of your success is you. It’s about seeing your power, and then finding your purpose and walking in it…” (Thomas, 2022 p. 8). Thus, it is evident that people can discover themselves and see what they can do to achieve greatness by changing the course of action that informs them of the appropriate actions to take.

The Focus

Thomas discusses various perspectives in chapters 5, 6, and 7. In the chapter, the author talks about becoming aware of who a person is through the gifts they have naturally. While reading the chapter, I realized that walking in my purpose incorporates understanding my gift and utilizing that to win. Through reflection, I contemplated my gifts and found that I am time-conscious since I can barely fit into random programs or those with time extensions without notice (Thomas, 2022). For example, when we plan a meeting with my colleagues and set a time, I might be probed to leave at a specific moment depending on my schedule.

In chapter 6, the book explores more about putting oneself in miracle territory. The author highlights that I can attract my miracles by maximizing opportunities that come my way because responding to a particular passion translates to effective coverage of goals and processes. The author says that for more than five years, he spent time talking to people for free without realizing their gifts would be used for commercial purposes (Thomas, 2022). That means he had not thought about himself, and when he did, he started getting gigs all over, and that example helped me to discover more about myself. When I think about how I value time, I get a unique feeling that has mixed reactions. I spend most of my time doing personal assignments that bring income.

In Chapter 7, the author talks about becoming a triple threat and understands that knowledge is the new currency in current times. The author gives a historical example of W.E.B. Du Bois, who believed that Black Americans required classical education to excel in life despite the patterns of inferiority rampant in society then (Thomas, 2022). That captured my attention, and I thought about the need to work on discovering helpful tips that can solve the challenges that I face daily. For instance, workplace pressure can trigger someone to quit their job. A holistic approach helps one forecast a transformed future through experience, network, and personal growth that they get from the same. Therefore, with knowledge, people can bring change to themselves since it opens their eyes to success.

Effect of the Book Towards My Leadership Style

I am a person who believes that everyone has a unique matter to offer when it comes to a given team. I have for a while believed democracy is important, but when combined with bureaucracy. Thus, my style of leadership is partly democratic and partly bureaucratic. I understand that these two concepts that I believe in have an impact on who I am. Mostly, I follow the formality and respect any constant factor that can adversely affect a certain goal. Through the book, I have understood that it is essential for me to be good for great but employ empirical structurization of matters such as obedience, self-control, and discipline.

The author has enabled me to believe that sacrificing is important during the pursuit of a certain purpose. Therefore, as a leader, I understand that it is not always advisable to allow people and myself to do according to the underlying pleasures but commit to doing the right thing at an appropriate time. When dealing with people, I learned that I am not supposed to fear losing them as friends because I owe them everything for myself (Thomas, 2022). The book has helped me to check leadership from personal growth perspectives and not collaborative outcomes since the approach may derail the intentions. Therefore, I am forced to walk in the core purpose because that helps me identify any constraints.

How the book has affected My Personal Life

While reading the book, I realized that many accomplishments and failures are rooted in my responsibility. As a single parent working in the clinical field, I am mostly worried about my child, who may not get enough parental care due to obligations. However, the book has enabled me to embrace being outside because that can help me grow my network which can open more doors (Thomas, 2022). I have realized that having the burden of providing care to my child while multitasking with other work is not punitive but serves as a pathway towards realizing the great potential that can help me beat the odds and become successful.

I greatly owe myself for my personality and commitment to contemporary life. The part about being a business person helped me to perceive that interaction with people increases my chances of being greater. For instance, working as a public health educator can connect me with opportunities that can help me change my child’s life in the future. Therefore, the book encourages me to be bold in decisions that are more useful in navigating the path to success (Thomas, 2022). I do not regret having a tight schedule and many responsibilities.


The book is phenomenal in encouraging one to follow their passion by discovering, acting, and aligning with matters that have a high probability of changing life. Thomas has helped many people develop by identifying their gifts and working on the same to earn and progress socially and economically. The book enables me to think about the time-conscious gift that I possess that keeps me focused. Through effective time management, I can increase my chances of excelling in life due to the social investment I achieve through my work as a public health educator. The book helps to understand that leadership requires bold decisions centered on one’s goals and not a general achievement for everyone. Thus, the author has played a key role in helping me understand who I am and whether what I do is recommended for my success story in the contemporary world.


Thomas, E. (2022). Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose & Your Why You Owe You. Rodale.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 8). Impact of “Ignite Your Power...” by Eric Thomas.

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"Impact of “Ignite Your Power...” by Eric Thomas." IvyPanda, 8 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Impact of “Ignite Your Power...” by Eric Thomas'. 8 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Impact of “Ignite Your Power...” by Eric Thomas." May 8, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Impact of “Ignite Your Power...” by Eric Thomas." May 8, 2024.


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