Identification of the Health Establishment
I have chosen for this assignment Impatient Rehabilitation Center (IRS), which offers the services, which include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, common diagnosis, and specialized care services (Virginia Hospital Center, 2015).
In this instance, this company is one of the primary providers of its activity due to its wide focus and area coverage. Nonetheless, occupational therapy services were chosen as the primary aspects of the life-cycle analysis, since they provide the most relevant approaches to the maintenance of the relationship with the patients. In turn, it is also one of the essential services in the rehabilitation practices due to the ability to utilize this therapy in different cases. It remains evident that it helps people to adapt to the living after having a significant number of physical or psychological trauma (Virginia Hospital Center, 2015).
Speaking of the service life cycle, it could be said that it is located in the growth stage due to the growing popularity of this service among the different members of the society. Nevertheless, it could be said that it is close in achieving the maturation stage due to the cultivation of various alternatives to the hospital occupational therapy such as online treatment (Hoffmann, Desha, & Verrall, 2011).
However, these practices were not reported as being efficient since the occupational therapy is highly focused on having the direct contact with the patients. The online practices do not provide the desired effects since they do not involve direct interactions between people (Hoffmann, Desha, & Verrall, 2011). In the end, the ability to enhance the delivery of this service will improve the quality of the services in this rehabilitation center and cultivate the trusting relationship with the members of the society and medical sphere.
Suggestion of the Strategy
The occupational therapy is usually a requirement for the people, which cannot adapt to the normal living due to the progressing diseases and other factors such as stroke (Legg et al., 2007). It remains evident that occupational therapy helps return to the daily activities and maintain the quality of the life on the high level (Virginia Hospital Center, 2015). It could be said that it is an essential element of the modern treatment due to its high applicability in different case scenarios.
In turn, people have a tendency to seek for the solutions on the Internet due to its high availability. In this instance, focusing on the content marketing would be the most suitable solution since it will help attract the attention from the people, who require medical assistance. In this instance, focusing on the website development and social networking will help deliver the message to the customers. However, the website has to be interactive to cultivate the importance of the occupational therapy among younger users (Sicilla, Ruiz, & Munuera, 2005).
As for the differential advantages, one of the examples is the ability of the company to become customer-centered in its marketing ideas by being close to the users of the service while interacting with them via social networks and website. In turn, another instance is the ability to focus on the cost leadership by reducing its costs on advertising campaigns. In the modern world, focusing on the technology is beneficial due to the rapid globalization of the process and the necessity to adapt to the changes. In this case, utilizing and paying vehement attention to the Internet is one of the essentialities to remain competitive on the market. In the end, the company will benefit from using content marketing as a part of its marketing mix.
Importance of the Technology
Nowadays, technology is the essential element while interacting, delivering messages, and communicating with the other members of the society. Furthermore, technological progress is actively used in marketing to have the sufficient interactions with the customers while providing the beneficial information about the products and services (McTavish, 2011). In this case, the role of the technology cannot be underestimated, as it became the part of the marketing activities due to its low costs and high accessibility by people from different social and cultural groups.
Nonetheless, speaking of the delivery of the information about the occupational service, the role of the technological involvement cannot be underestimated, as its importance was discussed above. In this case, the usage of the internet as the part of the marketing campaign will help deliver the messages to the customers. It could be said that the primary benefit of the content marketing is the ability to provide the detailed information without the service while focusing on its fundamental benefits. It could be said that the technology will help deliver the message about the occupational therapy without the necessity to spend a significant number of resources.
In the end, the role of the technology cannot be underestimated, as the customers will be able to find information about the desired service without the essentiality to request any additional assistance. The customers should be able to access the information freely, as this aspect influences their final decision. In turn, the Internet is the most relevant instrument to access the desired information due to the ability of the customers to read the information online freely, which is presented in the online sources. Lastly, this approach creates company’s transparency and beneficially contributes to building trusting relationships with the customers.
Outline of the Survey
Lastly, the outline of the survey will be designed to capture the expectations of the patients regarding the delivery and the accessibility of the occupational therapy in the chosen facility. Firstly, the general information about the client has to be acquired. It will include gender and age. Furthermore, the information about the provided service has to be provided at the beginning of the survey to offer the fundamental facts about the occupational therapy.
Next section will focus on the service delivery, and the primary questions will include “On which floor of the facility the service has to be located?”, “Do you expect the sessions to be interactive or do you prefer online communication?”, and “Chose the main attributes, which can describe the ideal approach to provide the service? The options include well-trained employees, efficient problem-solving, high-quality interactions, and well-maintained control of the processes.
In turn, the separate section of the service accessibility has to be established to determine the customer’s expectations regarding this matter. In this instance, the primary questions will include “Do you expect the service to be available 24/7?” (yes/no), “Do you want the service to be available during the weekends?” (yes/no), and “Would you like to receive the online or help on the phone in case of the emergency?” (yes/no). In the end, the survey will help gather the relevant information about the expectations about the occupational therapy and enhance the quality of relationships.
Hoffmann, T., Desha, L., & Verrall, K. (2011). Evaluating an online occupational therapy community of practice and its role in supporting occupational therapy practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 68(2), S32. Web.
Legg, L., Drummond, A., Leonardi-Bee, J., Gladman, J., Corr, S., Donkervoort, M., Edmans, J., Gillbertson, L.,…Ellis-Hill. Occupational therapy for patients with problems in personal activities of daily living after stroke: Systematic review of randomized trials. British Medical Journal, 335(7626), 922-925. Web.
McTavish, R. (2011). Linking marketing and technology strategies. Decatur, GA: Marketing Classics Press, Inc. Web.
Sicilla, M., Ruiz, S., & Munuera, J. Effects of interactivity in a website: The moderating effect for need for cognition. Journal of Advertising, 34(3), 31-45. Web.
Virginia Hospital Center: Inpatient Rehabilitation Center. (2015). Web.