Data Collection Plan
In my data collection plan, I will use data-gathering instruments like checklists, observation, surveys, and others. This plan also describes the data collection matrix which will describe my research questions and three data sources for the study. The plan will also seek to explore different data collection instruments in detail and explain how they will be used in data collection. It will also give in detail the anticipated data collection timeline.
Data collection matrix
Data gathering instruments
The success of the study will depend on the effectiveness of the tools as applied in data collection. Various tools will be employed in order to collect the data as accurately as possible. These data collection tools will be reinforced by tests and they will be used to assess the effectiveness of these reading tests. The following data collection instruments will be used in the study.
The survey method will be used in this study. The survey method will be used to study different children in the classroom to compare their progress in reading fluency. The survey instrument will be used effectively to collect data from the sampled students in various settings. A survey will also be used to collect various tertiary data from various researches that have been carried out on the performance of the student in reading fluency exercises. In the survey, students will be selected for the study. They will be then exposed to the same reading assignment and their progress observed.
This will involve guided reading and repeated reading exercises given to the student. To assess the effects of parental importance in assisted reading, students will be divided into two groups. One cohort will be assigned parental assessment forms through which parents will be used to rate students reading performance in areas of accuracy, rate, and expression. Then other groups will be exposed to normal reading assignments without the intervention of the parent. Then eh two cohorts will be subjected to the same reading assignments to see if there was an effect with parental intervention in the exercise. Students will be final subject to independent practice on reading fluency and their performance assessed. (Meyer and Rust 2003, p. 78)
A checklist will be used to collect various data in the study as per different tools that will be used. A checklist will be used to record the performance of the selected students during the reading exercise. In assessing the effectiveness of individual input in practical reading, it will be used to check on various books that will be assigned to the students. The checklist will be used to record the performance of each and every student in the reading exercise and consecutively rate them out of ten points. A checklist will be used to assess the rate, accuracy, and comprehension of the student in reading assignments, especially when using GORT-3 assessment tool. It will also be used to assess the performance of the students as per the recorded data. (Wolf and Katzir 2001, p.67)
Observation will be used to record the facial expression of the student during reading assignments. Observation will also be used to collect data on various researches that have been carried out in the past to help in comparing that data with what is expected out of the research. This instrument will also be used to assess the behavior of a student in relation to the use of various reading resource materials. (Binder et al. 2002, p. 12)
Data collection time plan
Data will be collected over a period of 6 months. The following time plan describes how data will be collected.
Binder, C., Haughton, E., & Bateman, B 2002, Fluency mastery in learning, Teaching Exceptional Children, Vol. 11(4), 13-56.
Meyers, E., & Rust, F 2003, Taking Action with Teacher Research, Heinemann, Portsmouth.
Wolf, M. & Katzir, T 2001, Reading fluency and its intervention, Studies of Reading, Vol. 5, p. 134-654.