Improving the Networks Efficiency Report

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Executive summary

The proposed project is aimed at improving the networks efficiency in order to ensure that the staff attends the needs of all the customers. The principal target of the project resides in the optimization of the networks within the corporate buildings so that the remote offices and floors are consistently interconnected. The expected outcome is that 500 employees are enabled to serve the customers and communicate with each other.

The project’s implementation implies a multi-stage realization. Thus, the key tasks include preliminary evaluation and monitoring, resource planning, the input of human resources, contracting second-party agents, clients’ information exporting and handling, examining the functionality of the software, assessing risks and working out a strategy to eliminate them.

The principal risks imply the insecurity, damage or loss of the corporate database and potential connectivity disruptions that might appear due to the change of the current location of the network systems. The relevant report provides recommendations and alternative solutions for avoiding these risks.

The principal stakeholders that are likely to benefit from the project’s implementation are the customers, the employees, and the board of the company administrators of the J.Smith & Associates.

Key Concerns

As long as the project at hand implies operations with the corporate data, one of the key concerns is to assure consistent safeguarding and the maximum security of the information. The implementation of new network systems should be, therefore, carefully regulated from two perspectives. According to expert’ opinion security operating is the primary challenge that appears in the realization of a project connected with software’s renovation (Tipton & Krause, 2004) First of all, it is essential to see to the fact that all the data that is transmitted to the new software has been preliminarily copied in order to prevent its damage or loss. Secondly, it is vital to regulate the access to the data so that it cannot be misused or spread beyond the company.

Another concern is connected with potential difficulties that might appear due to the fact that the employees will be required to operate with new equipment. The failure to adapt to the new conditions is likely to result in undesirable errors and have a negative impact on the general performance. Specialists note that the implementation of new technologies imposes extra stress on the staff that might lack the essential skills and knowledge to work with it (Clarkson, 2012). In order to avoid potential difficulties, it is recommended that all the employees are provided with essential training before they actually start working with the new equipment.

Lastly, the monitoring stage seems to be the most problematic from the standpoint of its realization. Thus, it is essential that the examination of the new software’s effectiveness does not interfere with the working process. It is likewise, critical that monitoring procedures are carried out on a regular basis in order to allow one to evaluate adequately the outcomes of the project’s implementation.

Potential Additional Tasks

The implementation of the proposed project might be, likewise, used for attracting new customers. Thus, it is vital that the clientele is informed about the carried-out changes in the most appropriate manner. The transformation of the networks system can be represented to customers like the introduction of the new service designed specifically to meet their needs and demands.

Continuous Improvement Recommendations

In order to maximize the positive outcomes of the project’s implementation, it is suggested to work out a sustainable and effective strategy aimed at receiving and analyzing feedback. Specialists note that the best way to regulate the process of a project’s implementation is to collect the maximal amount of evaluative opinions from all the groups of stakeholders. The relevant measure is likely to assist one in pointing out the most critical flaws of the project as well as to foresee potential risks. The most typical approach to organizing the feedback system is through carrying out relevant surveys among the employees and the customers. It is vital that the stakeholders are interviewed both before and after the project’s implementation in order to monitor the contrast.

Moreover, it is recommended to consider the future shift for the on-line platforms, the so-called “cloud” platforms, to improve the connectivity between the staff. Practice shows that more and more companies now choose store information and exchange data through such platforms as it improves the level of agility and responsiveness in the personnel (Menken, 2012). The relevant approach is supposed to reduce the waiting time and handle large volumes without performing extra charge on the corporate software.


One might conclude that the proposed project is worked out in accordance with the relevant management principles and provides a precise plan for its cost-effective realization. It also offers a detailed report on the potential risks and the critical challenges. The implementation of this project is likely to help the company to improve its general performance, eliminate the flaws that exist in the current network system, facilitate the employees’ operations and maintain the customers’ loyalty.

Reference List

Clarkson, M. (2012). Developing IT Staff: A Practical Approach, London: Springer Science & Business Media.

Menken, I. (2012). Cloud Computing: Managing Services in the Cloud Complete Certification Kit – Study Guide Book and Online Course, Queensland, Australia: Emereo Publishing.

Tipton, H.F., & Krause, M. (2004). Information Security Management Handbook, New York, New York: CRC Press.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 24). Improving the Networks Efficiency.

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"Improving the Networks Efficiency." IvyPanda, 24 Mar. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Improving the Networks Efficiency'. 24 March.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Improving the Networks Efficiency." March 24, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Improving the Networks Efficiency." March 24, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Improving the Networks Efficiency." March 24, 2021.

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