Research conducted by Dyson, Farrell, Polat, Hutcheson, and Gallannaugh (2007) aimed to explore the connections between inclusion and achievement in English mainstream schools. The methodology of the study was connected with conducting a statistical analysis of the nationwide data on school students at key stages 1 – 4 (Dyson et al., 2007).
One of the key findings of the research is the very small statistical relationship between the inclusivity of children with special educational needs to mainstream schools in England and the achievements of their students (Dyson et al., 2007). However, it was found that inclusivity in mainstream schools could potentially improve the achievement of students in specific areas like understanding and social skills.
The article presented a full picture of the research conducted on the topic of inclusion and how it affects schools’ achievement outcomes. The large study sample (information collected on five hundred thousand students) is evidence of researchers approaching the problem of inclusivity with ambition and responsibility. Furthermore, the experiment included visits to school sites, which contributed to the development of a multi-dimensional approach to the problem of including students with special educational needs. Researchers mentioned the study limitations (e.g. gender bias, database disadvantages), provided commentary on the findings, and explained the methodology in great detail.
Because the results of the research found no statistically significant correlation between inclusion and academic achievement, the study was beneficial for disproving previous assumptions. Therefore, schools are advised to disregard the assumed negative impact of including students with special educational needs and provide all children with appropriate levels of education. Future research can account for the limitations of this study since Dyson et al. admitted that their study should not be viewed as completely accurate and definitive.
Dyson, A., Farrell, P., Polat, F., Hutcheson, G., & Gallannaugh, F. (2007). Inclusion and achievement in mainstream schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 22(2), 131-145.