Each individual has an ecological footprint, which affects the general conditions of the environment. I conducted a general test to find out what kind of footprint I have. In addition, the test helps to identify which areas of my life should be improved to reduce the negative impact of nature. The test showed that three aspects of my life negatively contribute to environmental development: mobility, shelter, and services. That is why alternative ways of satisfying my needs in these spheres should be used so my ecological footprint can be reduced.
Test Results: Areas of Concern
The test result illustrated the consumption category of 5 aspects of my life, but three were the most harmful: mobility, shelter, and services. To begin with, the ecological footprint is the amount of biologically productive water and land. This is needed for a person to absorb the wastes from the use of the resource and to supply a person with resources needed to support the well-being and functioning on a satisfactory level for the individual (European Youth Portal, 2021). My ecological footprint is 18,5, and my carbon footprint is 65; this means I produce almost 35 CO2 emissions each year, which is disturbing.
Mobility, Shelter, and Services Impact
Shelter, mobility, and services are the most functional aspects of my life in creating this outcome. Shelter refers to how I behave at home and what actions I do there. Mobility consists of the ways of transportation and the choice of transport to use. The system supplying services related to my needs provides them. All these spheres are essential for my existence and well-being. As a result, my ecological footprint there is the most disturbing and the largest.
Reducing the Ecological Footprint
Finding alternatives to the most harmful actions in each sphere of life is essential to reduce the ecological footprint. Firstly, finding alternatives to driving can decrease carbon footprint. For instance, it is better to drive a low-vehicle car and avoid unnecessary acceleration and speeding (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, n.d).
Secondly, it is better to reduce the use of harmful ecology technologies at home. For example, cooling, garbage, and heating, the primary sources of ecological footprint, can be improved through house insulation, solar panels, or renewable heating. Old things can be given away, not thrown away (Homestolove, 2022). Saving water and energy will help reduce carbon footprint.
Thirdly, it is possible to reduce the unnecessary use of different services. For instance, instead of plastic bags, buy eco-bags and pay attention to how the goods are produced and whether they are eco-friendly and made from renewable and recycled materials (European Youth Portal, 2021). Lastly, the unnecessary consumption of energy, goods, and services can be developed to ensure safety for the environment and improve my ecological footprint by reducing carbon ones. Hence, the ecological footprint can be improved by using alternatives and reducing wasted resources.
In conclusion, everyone’s ecological footprint is essential for the environment. People should be careful with their actions in different aspects of their lives. The most dangerous areas of my life with the most negative ecological footprint are mobility, services, and shelter. Improving them by seeking alternative ways of spending time at home, meeting my needs, and using transportation methods is essential. It is possible to save energy, reduce unnecessary waste of resources and services, and use eco-friendly ways of transportation to reduce CO2 emissions.
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. (n.d). Reducing your transportation footprint. Center for climate and energy solutions. Web.
European Youth Portal. (2021). How to reduce my carbon footprint. European Youth Portal. Web.
Homestolove. (2022). 7 Tips to reduce your ecological footprint at home. Web.